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Review: regular inhaled short acting P2 agonists improve lung function in stable chronic obstructive pulmonary disease


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beta_2 agonists are frequently used as a first line treatment for COPD to maximise bronchodilation and minimise dyspnoea.The use of short acting versus long acting beta_2 agonists remains somewhat controversial because bronchodilators cause only small increases in FEV]. These drugs improve symptoms by reducing hyperinflation and thus reducing dyspnoea, but often with little effect on spirometry measurements.2 The review by Ram and Sestini attempted to clarify the effects of ISABAs compared with placebo.Only 13 trials met the inclusion criteria. All were randomised crossover trials that assessed ISABAs alone or in combination with other drugs. Anticholinergic drugs such as ipratropium bromide have generally been considered more effective for treatment of COPD because they have fewer side effects, slower onset of action, and longer duration of action.' Ram and Sestini suggest that ISABAs offer an inexpensive and effective treatment for the management of stable COPD, although the practical issue of the effectiveness of ISABAs compared with other bronchodilators (eg, long acting (Sj agonists) remains unanswered. However, many patients with COPD have specific intolerances and contraindications that require customising COPD management using a stepwise approach based on severity of airway symptoms. Thus, primary care providers should continue to tailor selection of bronchodilators for treatment of COPD based on the individual requirements of patients. Use of any treatment should, of course, include close monitoring of patient symptoms, FEV_1, exercise tolerance, oxygen saturation, and responses to bronchodilator treatment.
机译:β_2激动剂经常被用作COPD的一线治疗,以最大程度地扩大支气管扩张作用并减少呼吸困难。短效和长效β_2激动剂的使用仍存在争议,因为支气管扩张剂仅引起FEV的小幅增加。这些药物通过减少过度通气从而减少呼吸困难来改善症状,但通常对肺活量测定的影响很小。2Ram和Sestini的审查试图阐明与安慰剂相比ISABA的作用。只有13个试验符合纳入标准。所有这些均为随机交叉试验,评估了单独或与其他药物联合使用的ISABA。人们普遍认为抗胆碱能药物(如异丙托溴铵)对COPD的治疗更为有效,因为它们副作用少,起效慢,作用时间长。 Ram和Sestini认为,尽管与其他支气管扩张剂(例如,长效Sj激动剂)相比,ISAB有效性的实际问题仍未得到解答,但ISABA提供了一种廉价且有效的治疗稳定型COPD的治疗方法。但是,许多COPD患者有特定的不耐受和禁忌症,需要根据气道症状的严重程度采用逐步方法来定制COPD管理,因此,初级保健提供者应继续根据患者的个人需求选择适合治疗COPD的支气管扩张药。当然,包括密切监测患者症状,FEV_1,运动耐量,血氧饱和度以及对支气管扩张药治疗的反应。



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