首页> 外文期刊>Evidence-based complementary and alternative medicine: eCAM >Effects of Electroacupuncture at Head Points on the Function of Cerebral Motor Areas in Stroke Patients: A PET Study

Effects of Electroacupuncture at Head Points on the Function of Cerebral Motor Areas in Stroke Patients: A PET Study


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Positron emission tomography (PET) is used to observe the cerebral function widely and is a good method to explore the mechanism of acupuncture treatment on the central nervous system. By using this method, we observed the cerebral function of 6 patients suffering from ischemic stroke after receiving EA treatment at Baihui(GV20) and right Qubin(GB7). The results were: (1) the glucose metabolism changed significantly on primary motor area (Ml), premotor cortex (PMC), and superior parietal louble (LPs) bilaterally, as well as the Supplementary Motor Area (SMA) on the unaffected hemisphere right after the first EA treatment. (2) The glucose metabolism on bilateral Ml and LPs changed significantly after three weeks of daily EA treatments. (3) The glucose metabolism on other areas such as insula, putamen, and cerebellum changed significantly. It demonstrated that EA at Qubin and Baihui couldactivate the cerebral structures related to motor function on the bilateral hemispheres.We concluded that EA was very helpful for the cerebral motor plasticity after the ischemic stroke. Also based on this study we assumed that the brain plasticity should be a network and that acupuncture participated in some sections of this course.
机译:正电子发射断层扫描(PET)被广泛用于观察脑功能,是探索针刺治疗中枢神经系统机制的好方法。通过这种方法,我们观察了在白会(GV20)和右曲宾(GB7)接受EA治疗的6例缺血性中风患者的脑功能。结果是:(1)葡萄糖代谢在双侧原发性运动区(Ml),运动前皮层(PMC)和上顶叶(LPs)以及未受影响的半球右侧的辅助运动区(SMA)发生了显着变化首次EA治疗后。 (2)每日EA治疗三周后,双侧M1和LP上的葡萄糖代谢显着改变。 (3)在其他部位,如岛状,壳状核和小脑,葡萄糖的代谢发生了显着变化。结果表明,曲宾和百会的EA可以激活与双侧半球运动功能相关的大脑结构。我们得出结论,EA对缺血性中风后的大脑运动可塑性非常有帮助。同样基于这项研究,我们认为脑可塑性应该是一个网络,针灸参与了本课程的某些部分。



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