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Oral-paliperidone-induced tardive dyskinesia: A case report


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Objectives: Tardive dyskinesia (TD) is generally considered the most severe extrapyramidal sequelae of antipsychotic treatments. Method: Case report. Results: We present a 20-year-old woman with previous treatment of risperidone 6-7 mg daily for approximately 4 years. She developed TD 2 years later after switching to paliperidone 9 mg daily. To the best of our knowledge, she is the first case report of having direct paliperidone-induced TD. Immediate treatments including paliperidone dose reduction to 6 mg daily, clonazepam 1.5 mg daily and trihexyphenidyl 2 mg daily were performed for 1 month, and her symptoms were relieved eventually after switching to clozapine 75 mg daily. Conclusion: Although second-generation antipsychotics such as paliperidone are considered to have a lowered risk of developing TD, this case could bring awareness to clinicians of the possibility of TD with the use of any antipsychotics.
机译:目的:迟发性运动障碍(TD)通常被认为是抗精神病药物治疗中最严重的锥体外系后遗症。方法:病例报告。结果:我们介绍了一名20岁的女性,其之前每天服用利培酮6-7 mg约4年。两年后改用帕潘立酮每天9毫克后,她患上了TD。据我们所知,她是首例由帕潘立酮直接诱导的TD的病例报告。立即进行的治疗包括帕潘立酮减量至每天6 mg,氯硝西am每天1.5 mg和三己苯哌啶每天2 mg,持续1个月,在改用氯氮平每天75 mg后,她的症状最终得到缓解。结论:尽管认为第二代抗精神病药物如帕潘立酮具有较低的发展为TD的风险,但该病例可以使临床医生意识到使用任何抗精神病药物均可能导致TD。



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