首页> 外文期刊>Gene: An International Journal Focusing on Gene Cloning and Gene Structure and Function >Population genetic structure of Penaeus monodon, in relation to monsoon current patterns in Southwest, East and Andaman coastal waters of India

Population genetic structure of Penaeus monodon, in relation to monsoon current patterns in Southwest, East and Andaman coastal waters of India


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The black tiger shrimp (Penaeus monodon), a commercially important penaeid species, is widely distributed across the Indo-Pacific region. Genetic diversity in P. monodon collected from eight geographical regions in Southwest, East and Andaman coastal waters of India (N=418) was investigated using 10 polymorphic microsatellite loci. Average observed heterozygosity at sampled loci were high, ranging from 0.643 (Coromandel Coast) to 0.753 (South Andaman). Pairwise F ST (ranged from 0.005 to 0.078) and R ST (ranged from 0.005 to 0.171) estimates revealed surprisingly strong and statistically significant genetic structure among tiger shrimp populations. A synthetic map generated by multidimensional scaling shows an apparent cline in allele frequencies paralleling the roughly circular flow of surface currents in the Bay of Bengal. Significant heterozygote deficiencies were noted in most population samples at most loci. Andaman Island sites showed the highest diversity. Recognition of high genetic diversity and distinct population structuring of P. monodon in Indian seas has important implications for future domestication of this species in India, for two reasons: identification of the best wild founding stocks for aquaculture and, subsequently, the potential impacts of release of domesticates to the wild, either accidentally or deliberately (i.e. for stock enhancement).
机译:黑虎虾(Penaeus monodon)是一种商业上重要的对虾种类,在印度太平洋地区广泛分布。利用10个多态性微卫星基因座,对印度西南,东部和安达曼沿海水域的八个地理区域(N = 418)采集的斑节对虾的遗传多样性进行了调查。在采样的基因座处平均观察到的杂合度很高,范围从0.643(科罗曼德海岸)到0.753(南安达曼)。成对的F ST(范围从0.005到0.078)和R ST(范围从0.005到0.171)估计显示出老虎虾种群中令人惊讶的强大且具有统计意义的遗传结构。由多维缩放生成的合成图显示等位基因频率中的明显cline与孟加拉湾中表面电流的大致圆形流动平行。在大多数基因座的大多数人群样本中都发现了明显的杂合子缺陷。安达曼岛遗址表现出最高的多样性。对印度洋斑节对虾的高度遗传多样性和独特的种群结构的认识,对该物种在印度的未来驯化具有重要意义,其原因有两个:确定最佳的水产养殖野生基础种群,以及随后释放的潜在影响的野外驯养,无论是偶然还是有意为之(即为了增加种群数量)。



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