首页> 外文期刊>Bulletin of the Aquaculture Association of Canada >A Regional Approach to the Development of a First Nation-Based Shellfish Aquaculture Industry in Northern British Columbia: Opportunities and Challenges

A Regional Approach to the Development of a First Nation-Based Shellfish Aquaculture Industry in Northern British Columbia: Opportunities and Challenges


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With over half the BC coastline located north of Vancouver Island, the potential for shellfish aquaculture in this largely remote area has not been realized. Creating an industry in such a large area where no shellfish aquaculture infrastructure exists presents significant challenges and a regional development approach is critical to success. During 2003, twelve First Nation communities working with two native organizations, Coastal First Nations Turning Point Initiative Society (TPI) and the Tsimshian Stewardship Committee (TSC) initiated a program of 22 pilot farms, regional business planning, and infrastructure development to test, explore options, and hopefully establish a successful industry. This program has been undertaken with local economicdevelop groups, Ecotrust Canada (conservation NGO), industry consultants and local First Nation communities. Results of pilot farms have largely been successful and a regional feasibility study completed in early 2004 laid out a business strategy that is guiding further phases of early industry development in this region. In the next phase of the project there is a focus on "pre-industry development and capacity building" that includes further community work, grow-out testing, training, establishing farm sites, regional and community business plans, market strategies and sourcing capital for development.



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