首页> 外文期刊>Expert opinion on investigational drugs >Investigational drugs for treating psoriatic arthritis

Investigational drugs for treating psoriatic arthritis


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Introduction: Psoriatic arthritis (PsA) is an inflammatory arthritis occurring in up to 30% of patients with psoriasis and can lead to progressive joint damage and disability. The emergence of 'biological' treatments, typified by the TNF inhibitors, has significantly advanced treatment of psoriatic disease over the last two decades and has led to an expanding field of drugs designed to target specific pathways identified in the pathogenesis of the disease.Areas covered: This review article describes current knowledge pertaining to genetic susceptibility and that gleaned from animal models. It discusses putative drug targets and drugs in development, up to Phase II, while acknowledging that many of these drugs are being investigated in rheumatoid arthritis and psoriasis rather than PsA alone.Expert opinion: Ongoing trials of some of these drugs, such as the JAK inhibitors, appear particularly promising, while the evolution of dual-targeting therapies affords the aspiration of enhanced efficacy, safety and remission. Paramount to the future of drug discovery and development is the affordability of these agents to the healthcare purchaser as well as their accessibility to the patient.
机译:简介:银屑病关节炎(PsA)是一种炎症性关节炎,发生在多达30%的牛皮癣患者中,可导致进行性关节损伤和残疾。在过去的二十年中,以TNF抑制剂为代表的``生物''疗法的出现显着提高了银屑病的先进治疗水平,并导致针对靶点在疾病发病机理中确定的特定途径的药物领域不断扩大。 :这篇综述文章描述了有关遗传易感性的最新知识以及从动物模型中收集的知识。它讨论了直至II期的推定药物靶标和开发中的药物,同时也承认正在对类风湿性关节炎和牛皮癣进行研究,而不是仅对PsA进行研究。专家意见:对其中一些药物的正在进行的试验,例如JAK抑制剂似乎特别有前途,而双重靶向疗法的发展则带来了增强疗效,安全性和缓解症状的愿望。这些药物对医疗保健购买者的承受能力以及对患者的可及性是未来药物发现和开发的重中之重。



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