首页> 外文期刊>Experimental Brain Research >Heterosynaptic modulation of the dorsal root potential in the turtle spinal cord in vitro.

Heterosynaptic modulation of the dorsal root potential in the turtle spinal cord in vitro.


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In the somatosensory system, the flow of sensory information is regulated at early stages by presynaptic inhibition. Recent findings have shown that the mechanisms generating the primary afferent depolarization (PAD) associated with presynaptic inhibition are complex, with some components mediated by a non-spiking mechanism. How sensory inputs carried by neighbouring afferent fibres interact to regulate the generation of PAD, and thus presynaptic inhibition, is poorly known. Here, we investigated the interaction between neighbouring primary afferents for the generation of PAD in an in vitro preparation of the turtle spinal cord. To monitor PAD we recorded the dorsal root potential (DRP), while the simultaneous cord dorsum potential (CDP) was recorded to assess the population postsynaptic response. We found that the DRP and the CDP evoked by a primary afferent test stimulus was greatly reduced by a conditioning activation of neighbouring primary afferents. This depression had early and late components, mediated in part by GABA(A) and GABA(B) receptors, since they were reduced by bicuculline and SCH 50911 respectively. However, with the selective stimulation of C and Adelta fibres in the presence of TTX, the early and late depression of the DRP was replaced by facilitation of the GABAergic and glutamatergic components of the TTX-resistant DRP. Our findings suggest a subtle lateral excitatory interaction between primary afferents for the generation of PAD mediated by a non-spiking mechanism that may contribute to shaping of information transmitted by C and Adelta fibres in a spatially confined scale in analogy with the retina and olfactory bulb.
机译:在体感系统中,通过突触前抑制在早期阶段调节感觉信息的流动。最近的发现表明,与突触前抑制相关的产生初级传入去极化(PAD)的机制很复杂,某些成分是由非突突机制介导的。邻近的传入纤维携带的感觉输入如何相互作用以调节PAD的产生,从而突触前的抑制是知之甚少。在这里,我们调查了海龟脊髓的体外制备中PAD生成相邻相邻传入之间的相互作用。为了监测PAD,我们记录了背根电位(DRP),同时记录了背索潜在电位(CDP)以评估种群突触后反应。我们发现,由初级传入测试刺激引起的DRP和CDP被相邻初级传入的条件激活大大降低了。这种抑郁症有早期和晚期成分,部分由GABA(A)和GABA(B)受体介导,因为它们分别由双小分子和SCH 50911减轻。然而,在存在TTX的情况下,通过选择性刺激C和Adelta纤维,DRP的早期和晚期抑制被促进TTX耐药性DRP的GABA能和谷氨酸能成分所替代。我们的发现表明,由非加标机制介导的PAD产生的初级传入者之间存在细微的横向兴奋性相互作用,这可能有助于在空间受限的范围内像视网膜和嗅球那样塑造C和Adelta纤维传递的信息。



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