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Diversifying Coevolution between Crossbills and Conifers


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Coevolution between granivorous crossbills (Loxia spp.) and conifers has been a prominent process in the diversification of crossbills. A striking example occurs in western North America where coevolution between crossbills and Rocky Mountain lodgepole pine (Pinus contorta latifolia) is ongoing in isolated ranges without the crossbill's dominant competitor for seeds, the red squirrel (Tamiasciurus hudsonicus). Preferential foraging by crossbills on lodgepole pine cones in the South Hills and Albion Mountains, two small mountain ranges in southern Idaho where red squirrels are absent, has led to the evolution of larger, thicker-scaled cones than in nearby ranges where red squirrels are present. This in turn has favored the evolution of larger-billed crossbills that have diverged from other crossbills in the region. However, such diversifying coevolution, resulting from geographic variation in the distribution of strongly interacting species, is vulnerable to species introductions. For example, the introduction of red squirrels caused the precipitous decline and perhaps extinction of the Newfoundland crossbill and perhaps a crossbill endemic to the Cypress Hills, Canada. In general, species introductions act to reduce the geographic variation in species interactions, which may be critical for the diversification of many taxa.
机译:粒状犀鸟(Loxia spp。)和针叶树之间的共同进化一直是犀鸟多样化的一个重要过程。一个明显的例子发生在北美西部,那里的杂种与落基山黑松(Pinus contorta latifolia)之间的协同进化正在孤立的范围内进行,而杂种的种子没有竞争者,即红松鼠(Tamiasciurus hudsonicus)。在南部爱达荷州的两个小山脉,南山和阿尔比恩山脉的山毛榉松果上的斜纹犀鸟优先觅食,从而导致了比附近有红松鼠的山地更大,更粗的圆锥体的进化。反过来,这也有利于大开票交叉票据的发展,而该票据与该地区的其他交叉票据有所不同。但是,由于强烈相互作用的物种的分布在地理上的变化而导致的这种多样化的协同进化很容易引入物种。例如,引入红松鼠导致纽芬兰(Newfoundland)的犀鸟急剧下降甚至灭绝,也许是加拿大赛普拉斯山(Cypress Hills)特有的犀鸟。通常,引入物种可减少物种相互作用的地理差异,这对于许多生物群的多样化可能至关重要。



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