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The Macaw Biology Program: Outstanding Content, Inspired Students


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Our old set of Miller and Levine dragonfly biology textbooks had all the signs of well-loved books, ear-marked pages, ripped corners, and weakened spines. Eventually, after increasing class enrollment, I needed to find a new textbook. The dragonfly book had gone out of print, and there were no used books to be found. As luck would have it, the 2010 edition of the Miller and Levine Biology program was just hitting the market. After perusing the website (www.biology.com) and studying the compli-mentary copy I had picked up at the Science Teachers Conference in Rochester, NY, I was more than convinced that this would be the perfect upgrade. The material was current, detailed, well illustrated, written in an attention-catching style, and the online resources were very rich in content and variety. The last step, or should I say hurdle, was to get the approval of our Board of Education.
机译:我们以前的一套米勒(Miller)和莱文(Levine)蜻蜓生物学教科书,有许多喜欢的书本,有标记的书页,破损的拐角和减弱的刺的迹象。最终,在增加班级人数之后,我需要找到一本新的教科书。蜻蜓的书已经绝版,也没有二手书。幸运的是,2010年版的Miller and Levine Biology计划刚刚投放市场。在仔细阅读了网站(www.biology.com)并研究了我在纽约州罗切斯特科学老师会议上获得的免费副本后,我非常确信这将是完美的升级。该材料采用引人注目的样式,内容新颖,详细,插图精美,并且在线资源内容和种类非常丰富。最后一步,或者我应该说的障碍,是获得我们教育委员会的批准。



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