首页> 外文期刊>Emergency medicine journal: EMJ >A nurse-led 'first fitter' clinic in a paediatric emergency department: an experience.

A nurse-led 'first fitter' clinic in a paediatric emergency department: an experience.


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BACKGROUND: The diagnoses of a child who presents to an Accident and Emergency (A&E) department with 'jerking' or loss of consciousness include an epileptic seizure, vasovagal event, cardiac syncope or other paroxysmal event. Where the likely diagnosis is a first epileptic tonic-clonic seizure, there is no consensus on how these children should be followed-up. This is important as many parents of children who experience an epileptic tonic-clonic seizure will be anxious and concerned about a recurrence and what to do if it does. A first fitter clinic (FFC) was established in the Accident and Emergency Department of our hospital to standardise the management of these children. METHODS: Children presenting to the A&E department of a large children's hospital considered to have had a first tonic-clonic epileptic seizure were offered an appointment for the FFC within 3 weeks of their attendance. The clinic was supervised by an advanced nurse practitioner. Details of the child's reported tonic-clonic seizure were recorded on to a standardised proforma and additional information was obtained on other paroxysmal epileptic and non-epileptic events. RESULTS: Altogether, 120 children were offered an appointment in the FFC, of which 117 (97%) attended. Their mean age was 9.5 (range: 3.5-15.2)years. Following review in the clinic, 82 (70.1%) of the 117 children were considered to have experienced an epileptic tonic-clonic seizure. Twenty-eight patients were considered to have had a vaso-vagal attack or reflex anoxic seizure; two, a possible cardiac arrhythmia; two a breath-holding episode and in three patients the events could not be classified. CONCLUSION: The FFC was well-attended suggesting that families appreciated early follow-up and the opportunity to address their concerns and provide advice about what to do if there was a recurrence. The study also demonstrated that approximately one-third of children were misdiagnosed as having experienced a tonic-clonic seizure.
机译:背景:对“急诊”或失去知觉向急症室(A&E)呈现的儿童的诊断包括癫痫发作,血管迷走神经事件,心脏晕厥或其他阵发性事件。如果可能的诊断是首次癫痫性强直-阵挛性癫痫发作,则对如何随访这些儿童尚无共识。这很重要,因为许多患有癫痫性强直阵挛性癫痫发作的孩子的父母会感到焦虑,并担心其复发以及如果复发了该怎么办。我们医院急诊科成立了第一家钳工诊所(FFC),以规范这些儿童的管理。方法:就诊于一家大型儿童医院急诊科的被认为患有第一次强直性阵挛性癫痫发作的儿童在出诊后3周内接受了FFC的预约。该诊所由高级护士执业。将儿童报告的强直-阵挛性癫痫发作的详细信息记录到标准化的形式表中,并获得其他有关阵发性癫痫和非癫痫事件的信息。结果:FFC总共为120名儿童提供了约诊,其中117名(97%)参加了培训。他们的平均年龄为9.5岁(范围:3.5-15.2)岁。经过临床检查后,认为117名儿童中有82名(70.1%)经历了癫痫性强直阵挛性癫痫发作。 28名患者被认为患有血管迷走神经发作或反射性缺氧性癫痫发作;二,可能的心律不齐;两次屏住呼吸,三名患者无法分类。结论:FFC受到了良好的照料,表明家庭赞赏及早进行随访,并有机会解决他们的疑虑并就再次发生的情况提供建议。该研究还表明,大约三分之一的儿童被误诊为患有强直阵挛性癫痫发作。



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