首页> 外文期刊>Nuclear Instruments and Methods in Physics Research, Section A. Accelerators, Spectrometers, Detectors and Associated Equipment >Comparison of LaBr_3:Ce and NAI(Tl) scintillators for radio-isotope identification devices

Comparison of LaBr_3:Ce and NAI(Tl) scintillators for radio-isotope identification devices


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Lanthanum bromide (LaBr_3:Ce) scintillators offer significantly better resolution (< 3 percent at 662 keV) relative to sodium iodide (NaI(Tl)) but contain internal radioactivity that contributes to spectral counts. LaBr_3:Ce has recently become available commercially in sizes large enough for the hand-held radio-isotope identification device (RIID) market. To study its potential for RIIDs, a series of measurements were performed comparing a 1.5 x 1.5-in. LaBr_3:Ce detector with an Exploranium GR-135 RIID, which contains a 1.5 x 2.2-in. NaI(Tl) detector. Measurements were taken for short time frames and included examples of naturally occurring radioactive material (NORM), typically found in cargo, and special nuclear materials. To facilitate direct comparison, spectra from the different detectors were analyzed with the same isotope identification software (ORTEC ScintiVision™). In general, the LaBr_3:Ce detector was able to find more peaks and find them faster than the NaI(Tl) detector. To the same level of significance, the LaBr_3:Ce detector was usually two to three times faster. The notable exception was for ~(40)K-containing NORM where interfering internal activity due to ~(138)La in the LaBr_3:Ce detector exists and NaI(Tl) consistently outperformed LaBr_3:Ce.
机译:与碘化钠(NaI(Tl)相比,溴化镧(LaBr_3:Ce)闪烁体的分辨率明显更高(在662 keV时<3%),但含有有助于光谱计数的内部放射性。LaBr_3:Ce最近已上市,其尺寸足以满足手持式放射性同位素识别设备(RIID)市场的需求。为了研究其 RIID 的潜力,对 1.5 x 1.5 英寸进行了一系列测量。带有 Exploranium GR-135 RIID 的 LaBr_3:Ce 探测器,其中包含一个 1.5 x 2.2 英寸。NaI(Tl)检测器。测量时间很短,包括通常在货物中发现的天然放射性物质(NORM)和特殊核材料的例子。为了便于直接比较,使用相同的同位素鉴定软件(ORTEC ScintiVision™)分析了来自不同探测器的光谱。一般来说,LaBr_3:Ce检测器能够比NaI(Tl)检测器找到更多的峰,并且找到它们的速度更快。在相同的显著性水平上,LaBr_3:Ce探测器通常快两到三倍。值得注意的例外是含~(40)K的NORM,其中存在由于LaBr_3:Ce探测器中~(138)La引起的干扰内部活性,并且NaI(Tl)始终优于LaBr_3:Ce。



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