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Anleitung zur Einsch?tzung und Validierung des gesundheitsbezogenen Lebensqualit?tsstatus in der chirurgischen Behandlung der Hyperhidrose


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BACKGROUND: As interest in quality of life (Qol) burgeons in all medical disciplines, this review wants to analyze the development of Qol in sympathetic surgery for hyperhidrosis (HH). The most important types of Qol instruments, generic, disease-specific, discriminative, and evaluative questionnaires and guidelines for correct development and use of Qol instruments are given in detail. Validity, responsiveness, and reliability of Qol measures are discussed. METHODS: The frequency of Qol measures in studies concerning HH and surgical treatment has been evaluated by Medline research. Results were compared to other diseases, such as breast cancer and GERD, which are treated in general surgery. Out of 40 articles dealing with Qol in HH, 14 articles and 1 abstract published in the period between 1976 and 2004 have been examined on correct use of Qol instruments in sympathetic surgery. RESULTS: 4 disease-specific (26.7%), 5 generic (33.3%) and 3 ad hoc (20%) questionnaires were used in the studies. One study (6.7%) included a generic (SF-36) and a disease-specific instrument. The generic questionnaires, SF-36 and DQLI, have been validated, the rest is lacking in validity, responsiveness and/or reliability. Consequently, just 6 studies (40%) were assessed by validated instruments. Satisfaction rates, ranging from 81.3% up to 98%, have been presented in 10 papers (66.7%). CONCLUSIONS: The growing importance of Qol in clinical daily life leads to the need for validated and standardized Qol instruments. The SF-36 is a qualified gold standard generic instrument, and Keller’s questionnaire is a promising candidate in the disease-specific category but should be validated by an international group of experts in sympathetic surgery.
机译:背景:由于所有医学领域都对生活质量(Qol)勃艮第感兴趣,因此,本综述旨在分析多汗症(HH)交感神经外科手术中Qol的发展。详细介绍了Qol仪器最重要的类型,通用的,针对特定疾病的,有区别的和评估性的问卷以及正确开发和使用Qol仪器的指南。讨论了Qol措施的有效性,响应性和可靠性。方法:Medline研究已经评估了有关HH和外科治疗的Qol测量频率。将结果与其他疾病(如乳腺癌和GERD)进行了常规手术治疗。在1976年至2004年期间的40篇有关Hol中Qol的文章中,对14篇文章和1篇摘要进行了有关Qol器械在交感手术中正确使用的研究。结果:在研究中使用了4种疾病特异性(26.7%),5种通用(33.3%)和3种特别(20%)问卷。一项研究(6.7%)包括通用(SF-36)和特定疾病的仪器。通用问卷SF-36和DQLI已通过验证,其余的则缺乏有效性,响应能力和/或可靠性。因此,只有6项研究(占40%)由经过验证的仪器进行了评估。 10篇论文(66.7%)表示满意率从81.3%到98%不等。结论:Qol在临床日常生活中的重要性日益提高,因此需要经过验证和标准化的Qol仪器。 SF-36是合格的金标准通用仪器,凯勒的问卷调查表是特定疾病类别的有希望的候选者,但应由国际交感神经外科专家小组进行验证。



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