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Asthma: A comparison of animal models using stereological methods


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Asthma is a worldwide health problem that affects 300 million people, as estimated by the World Health Organization. A key question in light of this statistic is: "what is the most appropriate laboratory animal model for human asthma" The present authors used stereological methods to assess airways in adults and during postnatal development, and their response to inhaled allergens to compare rodents and nonhuman primates to responses in humans. An epithelial-mesenchymal trophic unit was defined in which all of the compartments interact with each other. Asthma manifests itself by altering not only the epithelial compartment but also other compartments (e.g. interstitial, vascular, immunological and nervous). All of these compartments show significant alteration in an airway generation-specific manner in rhesus monkeys but are limited to the proximal airways in mice. The rhesus monkey model shares many of the key features of human allergic asthma including the following: 1) allergen-specific immunoglobulin (Ig)E and skin-test positivity; 2) eosinophils and IgE+ cells in airways; 3) a T-helper type 2 cytokine profile in airways; 4) mucus cell hyperplasia; 5) subepithelial fibrosis; 6) basement membrane thickening; and 7) persistent baseline hyperreactivity to histamine or methacholine. In conclusion, the unique responses to inhaled allergens shown in rhesus monkeys make it the most appropriate animal model of human asthma. CopyrightERSJ Ltd 2006.
机译:据世界卫生组织估计,哮喘是一个全球性的健康问题,影响了3亿人。鉴于此统计数据,一个关键问题是:“最适合人类哮喘的实验动物模型是什么?”作者利用立体学方法评估了成年人和产后发育过程中的气道,并评估了它们对吸入变应原的反应,以比较啮齿动物和非人类灵长类动物对人类的反应。定义了上皮-间质营养单元,其中所有区室彼此相互作用。哮喘不仅通过改变上皮区室,而且通过改变其他区室(例如间质,血管,免疫和神经)而表现出来。所有这些区室在恒河猴中都以气道生成特定的方式显示出明显的变化,但仅限于小鼠的近端气道。恒河猴模型具有人类过敏性哮喘的许多关键特征,包括:1)过敏原特异性免疫球蛋白(Ig)E和皮肤测试阳性; 2)气道中的嗜酸性粒细胞和IgE +细胞; 3)气道中的T辅助2型细胞因子概况; 4)粘液细胞增生; 5)上皮下纤维化; 6)基底膜增厚; 7)对组胺或乙酰甲胆碱的持续基线过度反应性。总之,恒河猴对吸入性过敏原的独特反应使其成为最合适的人类哮喘动物模型。版权所有ERSJ Ltd 2006。



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