首页> 外文期刊>European journal of epidemiology >The Berlin initiative study: the methodology of exploring kidney function in the elderly by combining a longitudinal and cross-sectional approach.

The Berlin initiative study: the methodology of exploring kidney function in the elderly by combining a longitudinal and cross-sectional approach.


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Epidemiologic data on incidence, prevalence and risk factors for chronic kidney disease (CKD) and its progression to kidney failure in people > or =70 years are scarce. This lack may have two reasons: First, the issue has only recently gained importance by the changing demographics characterized by an aging society. Secondly, a validated method for estimating kidney function in terms of glomerular filtration rate (GFR) in the elderly is still lacking. In this paper we describe the methodology of a combined longitudinal and cross-sectional approach of a population based study which will start in January 2010. The aims of the study are to identify prevalent and incident cases of CKD as well as co-morbidities and associated risk factors for progression of disease in this specific age-group. To assess prevalence, a new GFR estimation equation is to be developed. In a longitudinal approach a population based, age stratified sample of 2,000 subjects > or =70 years will be randomly drawn from a data base of a large health insurance company. Interview, physical examination, and preliminary estimation of GFR, based on serum creatinine will be performed. The entire cohort will be followed over the course of 2 years. In a cross-sectional approach a subsample of 600 subjects will be defined based on preliminary GFR values. Kidney function will be determined by measuring plasma clearance of an exogenous filtration marker (Iohexol). A new GFR-equation will be developed and validated using Iohexol clearance as gold standard to estimate GFR accurately and precisely. Data of 2,000 subjects will be used to estimate prevalence of CKD.
机译:在>或= 70岁的人群中,关于慢性肾脏病(CKD)的发病率,患病率和危险因素及其发展为肾衰竭的流行病学数据很少。这种缺乏可能有两个原因:首先,这个问题直到最近才因社会老龄化所带来的人口变化而变得越来越重要。其次,仍然缺乏一种根据老年人肾小球滤过率(GFR)估算肾功能的有效方法。在本文中,我们描述了将于2010年1月开始的基于人口的研究的纵向和横断面相结合的方法。该研究的目的是确定CKD的流行和突发事件以及合并症和相关疾病。该特定年龄段疾病进展的危险因素。为了评估患病率,将开发一个新的GFR估计方程。在纵向方法中,将从大型健康保险公司的数据库中随机抽取2,000名≥70岁受试者的基于年龄,年龄分层的样本。将基于血清肌酐进行访谈,体格检查和GFR的初步估计。整个队列将持续2年。在横截面方法中,将基于初步GFR值定义600个受试者的子样本。肾脏功能将通过测量外源性过滤标记物(碘海醇)的血浆清除率来确定。将使用碘海醇清除率作为黄金标准来开发和验证新的GFR方程,以准确,准确地估算GFR。 2,000名受试者的数据将用于估计CKD的患病率。



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