首页> 外文期刊>European journal of inorganic chemistry >Computational insight into the mechanism of selective imine formation from alcohol and amine catalyzed by the ruthenium(II)-PNP pincer complex

Computational insight into the mechanism of selective imine formation from alcohol and amine catalyzed by the ruthenium(II)-PNP pincer complex


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We have used density functional theory computations to investigate the mechanism of the reaction of an amine with a primary alcohol catalyzed by the ruthenium(II)-PNP pincer complex [PNP = 2,6-bis(di-tert-butylphosphanylmethyl) pyridine]; the reaction produces an imine as the major product. The catalytic cycle includes four stages: (stage I) alcohol dehydrogenation to aldehyde, (stage II) coupling of aldehyde with amine to form hemiaminal, (stage III) hemiaminal dehydration to give imine, and (stage IV) catalyst regeneration by means of H_2 elimination of the trans ruthenium dihydride complex produced in stage I. The mechanism is similar to that for amide formation from amine and alcohol that was catalyzed by the Ru II-PNN pincer complex [PNN = 2-(di-tert-butylphosphanylmethyl)-6-(diethylaminomethyl)pyridine], the only difference being in stage III. Alcohol dehydrogenation (stage I) occurs by a bifunctional double hydrogen transfer mechanism and alcohol can facilitate stages II and III. The selectivity of imine over ester is governed by stage II: the formation of hemiaminal by means of aldehydeamine coupling is kinetically much more favorable than the alternative aldehydealcohol coupling reaction that yields hemiacetal. Furthermore, the hemiaminal dehydration to give an imine is also kinetically more favorable than the hemiacetal dehydrogenation to give an ester. The selectivity of imine over amide is determined by stage III: the hemiaminal dehydration to give an imine is kinetically much more favorable than the hemiaminal dehydrogenation to give an amide. The essential difference between the Ru~(II)-PNP-catalyzed imine synthesis and the Ru~(II)-PNN-catalyzed amide formation is that the former prefers hemiaminal dehydration whereas the latter prefers hemiaminal dehydrogenation. In addition, water produced during hemiaminal dehydration can catalyze stages II and III more effectively than alcohol can. By contrast, the water-catalyzed hemiaminal formation does not happen in the Ru~(II)-PNN-catalyzed synthesis of an amide because no water is produced in any stage of the reaction.
机译:我们已经使用密度泛函理论计算来研究胺与钌(II)-PNP钳形配合物[PNP = 2,6-双(二叔丁基膦酰基甲基)吡啶]催化的伯醇反应的机理;反应产生亚胺作为主要产物。催化循环包括四个阶段:(第一阶段)醇脱氢成醛;(第二阶段)醛与胺的偶联形成半缩醛;(第三阶段)半缩醛脱水生成亚胺;(第四阶段)借助H_2进行催化剂再生消除了阶段I中产生的反式二氢化钌络合物。其机理类似于由Ru II-PNN夹杂物[PNN = 2-(二叔丁基膦基甲基)-6催化从胺和醇形成酰胺的机理。 -(二乙氨基甲基)吡啶],唯一的区别是在阶段III。酒精脱氢(阶段I)是通过双功能双氢转移机制发生的,酒精可以促进阶段II和III。亚胺对酯的选择性受阶段II的控制:通过乙胺胺偶联形成的Hemiaminal在动力学上比产生半缩醛的替代醛醇偶联反应更为有利。此外,与亚氨基缩醛脱氢生成酯在动力学上比半缩醛脱氢生成亚胺在动力学上也更有利。亚胺相对于酰胺的选择性由阶段III确定:在半数上脱水生成亚胺在动力学上比在半定量上脱水生成酰胺更有利。 Ru〜(II)-PNP催化的亚胺合成与Ru〜(II)-PNN催化的酰胺形成之间的本质区别在于,前者更喜欢用血红素脱水,而后者更喜欢用血红素脱氢。此外,血友病脱水过程中产生的水比酒精可以更有效地催化II和III阶段。相比之下,在Ru(II)-PNN催化的酰胺合成中不会发生水催化的半胱氨酸的形成,因为在反应的任何阶段均不产生水。



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