首页> 外文期刊>European Journal of Cell Biology: Journal of Deutsche Gesellschaft fur Elektronenmikroskopie: Journal of Deutsche Gesellschaft fur Zellbiologie >Insights into the process of EB1-dependent tip-tracking of kinesin-14 Ncd. The role of the microtubule

Insights into the process of EB1-dependent tip-tracking of kinesin-14 Ncd. The role of the microtubule

机译:深入了解驱动蛋白14 Ncd的EB1依赖性末端追踪过程。微管的作用

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End-binding proteins are capable of tracking the plus-ends of growing microtubules (MTs). The motor protein Ncd, a member of the kinesin-14 family, interacts with EB1 protein and becomes a non-autonomous tip-tracker. Here, we attempted to find out whether at least for Ncd, the efficient EB1-ediated tip-tracking involves the interaction of the kinesin with the MT surface. We prepared a series of Ncd tail mutants in which the MT-binding sites were altered or eliminated. Using TIRF microscopy, we characterized their behavior as tip-trackers and measured the dwell times of single molecules of EB1 and Ncd tail or its mutated forms.



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