首页> 外文期刊>Bulletin of the Seismological Society of America >Did the 2004 Sumatra-Andaman earthquake involve a component of tsunami earthquakes?

Did the 2004 Sumatra-Andaman earthquake involve a component of tsunami earthquakes?


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Tsunami earthquakes are characterized by (1) slow slip and (2) tsunamis larger than expected from seismic slip. We examine whether the 2004 SumatraAndaman earthquake had these features and thus involved a component of tsunami earthquakes. Fitting the effective moment versus frequency curve, we obtain characteristic times tau (Kanamori, 1972) of 70 and 290 sec. The former is on the scaling for normal earthquakes; the latter is longer. In the area off northern Sumatra, by back projecting the wavefront recorded on the sea surface height (SSH) by the satellite altimetry, we estimate the seaward edge of the fault plane to be located at the deformation front. We then invert the SSH, assuming that the seaward edge of the fault is at this location, and obtain a maximum slip of 40 in, which was estimated to be 15 in previously. This amount of slip, approximately twice the slip estimated seismologically and geodetically, suggests that additional crustal deformation, such as inelastic uplift of the trench sediments, might have occurred near the deformation front. We propose that a similar, possibly slow, slip occurred in the shallow subduction boundary, extending from all over the rupture zone derived by the body-surface waves, with a smaller northward propagation velocity, corresponding to the longer -c. This rupture mode would solve the enigmatic features of this event seen in the seismological and tsunami data. The 2004 Sumatra-Andaman earthquake, having both features (1) and (2) that characterize tsunami eathquakes, likely had a component of tsunami earthquakes.
机译:海啸地震的特征是(1)缓慢滑动和(2)海啸比地震滑动预期的要大。我们检查了2004年的苏门答腊安达曼地震是否具有这些特征,并因此涉及了海啸地震。拟合有效力矩与频率的关系曲线,我们可以得到70和290秒的特征时间tau(Kanamori,1972)。前者正在扩大正常地震的规模。后者更长。在苏门答腊以北地区,通过反投影卫星测高仪记录在海面高度(SSH)上的波前,我们估计断层面的海缘位于变形前缘。然后,假设断层的海边位于此位置,我们将SSH反转,并获得40 in的最大滑动,先前估计为15 in。这个滑动量大约是地震和大地测量估计滑动量的两倍,表明在变形前沿附近可能发生了另外的地壳变形,例如沟槽沉积物的无弹性隆升。我们提出在俯冲的浅层边界发生类似的,可能缓慢的滑动,从体表波推导的整个破裂带开始,向北传播的速度较小,对应于较长的-c。这种破裂模式将解决在地震和海啸数据中看到的该事件的神秘特征。 2004年的苏门答腊-安达曼地震具有同时代表海啸食象的特征(1)和(2),很可能是海啸地震的一部分。



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