
Prenatal cocaine exposure alters maternal retrieval behavior in mice.


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Previous studies have demonstrated alterations in maternal retrieval behavior as a result of direct cocaine exposure. To establish the influence of prenatal cocaine exposure on pup retrieval, we exposed pups of three F1 genotypes by injecting their mothers (all C57BL/10J strain) with 20 mg/kg cocaine hydrochloride or saline subcutaneously on gestation days 7 to 17. When those pups became adults, control and exposed females were mated with males of the same genotype and tested for pup retrieval on postpartum days 4 and 5. Because ultrasonic calls are known to be elicitors of maternal retrieval behavior, the rate of ultrasonic calling was measured. Prenatal cocaine exposure exerted a significant effect upon retrieval latency on day 4. No relationship was found between genotype and retrieval latency.
机译:先前的研究表明,由于直接可卡因暴露,孕产妇恢复行为发生了变化。为了确定产前可卡因暴露对幼仔取回的影响,我们在妊娠第7至17天通过皮下注射20 mg / kg盐酸可卡因或生理盐水向其母亲(所有C57BL / 10J株)的三种F1基因型幼仔暴露。成为成年后,将对照组和裸露的雌性与相同基因型的雄性交配,并在产后第4和5天进行幼犬取回测试。由于已知超声召唤是孕产妇取回行为的诱因,因此测量了超声召唤的比率。产前可卡因暴露对第4天的检索潜伏期有显着影响。在基因型和检索潜伏期之间未发现关联。



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