首页> 外文期刊>European food research and technology =: Zeitschrift fur Lebensmittel-Untersuchung und -Forschung. A >Subcritical water extraction of phenolic compounds from flaxseed meal sticks using accelerated solvent extractor (ASE).

Subcritical water extraction of phenolic compounds from flaxseed meal sticks using accelerated solvent extractor (ASE).


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Subcritical water extraction (SWE) is a technique based on the use of water as an extractant, at temperatures between 100 and 374 degrees C and at a pressure high enough to maintain the liquid state. SWE provides higher selectivities, low cost, and shorter extraction times. In this study, phenolic compounds in flaxseed (Linum usitatissimum L.) meal sticks were extracted with subcritical water using accelerated solvent extractor. For this aim, the interactions between temperature (160, 170, and 180 degrees C) and extraction time (5, 15, 30, and 60 min) for subcritical water extraction of SDG lignan, total phenolics, and total flavonoids from flaxseed meal sticks were investigated. The highest extraction yield of SDG lignan (77.01%) in subcritical water extracts was determined at 160 degrees C for 60 min. However, high extraction yields were obtained as 70.67 and 72.57% at 170 and 180 degrees C for 15 min, respectively. Also, the highest extraction yield of total phenolics (70.82%) and total flavonoids (267.14%) were determined at 180 degrees C for 15 min. Besides, high correlations between SDG lignan-total phenolics, SDG lignan-total flavonoids, and total phenolics-total flavonoids were obtained from 0.86 to 1 in water extracts.
机译:亚临界水萃取(SWE)是一种基于水的萃取技术,温度介于100到374摄氏度之间,压力高到足以保持液态。 SWE提供更高的选择性,低成本和更短的提取时间。在这项研究中,使用加速溶剂萃取器用亚临界水萃取了亚麻籽(Linum usitatissimum L.)粕中的酚类化合物。为此目的,温度(160、170和180摄氏度)与提取时间(5、15、30和60分钟)之间的相互作用,用于从亚麻籽粕中亚临界水萃取SDG木质素,总酚和总黄酮。被调查了。在160°C下60分钟测定亚临界水提取物中SDG木质素的最高提取产率(77.01%)。但是,在170和180摄氏度下15分钟分别获得70.67和72.57%的高提取率。同样,在180°C下15分钟测定了总酚类化合物(70.82%)和总黄酮类化合物(267.14%)的最高提取率。此外,在水提取物中,SDG木质素-总酚,SDG木质素-总黄酮和总酚-总黄酮之间的相关性很高。



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