首页> 外文期刊>European Journal of Horticultural Science >Effects of seasonal trinexapac-ethyl application on warm-season turfgrass colour, quality and spring green-up under Mediterranean environment.

Effects of seasonal trinexapac-ethyl application on warm-season turfgrass colour, quality and spring green-up under Mediterranean environment.


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Applications of the plant growth regulator trinexapac-ethyl (TE) [4-(cyclopropyl- alpha -hydroxymethylene)-3,5-dioxocyclohexane carboxylic acid ethylester]can enhance turfgrass colour, quality, and delay winter dormancy of warm-season turfgrass species. The objective of this study was to: study the effects of seasonal TE application on turfgrass quality, colour, fall colour retention and spring green-up of warm-season turfgrass species: Cynodon dactylon (L.) Pers., Buchloe dactyloides Engelm., Zoysia japonica Steudel, Paspalum notatum (Flugge), Paspalum vaginatum Swartz, and Eremochloa ophiurioides (Munro) Hack in the Mediterranean region. Applications of TE to the nineteen seeded-type cultivars were made to fully established turf plots at a 0.38 kg active ingredient (a.i.) ha-1rate in summer or fall. Application schedule included a single application, followed by zero or one sequential application at 4-wk. Overall, TE enhanced turfgrass colour and quality in summer. The late season TE application decreased the quality, fall green colour retention up to 3-wk and delayed spring green-up by 15 d to 30 d. Results support the use of sequential application of TE for improved turfgrass colour and quality in summer. Reduced early fall TE applications should be examined to extend fall colour retention in future studies.
机译:植物生长调节剂抗倒酯(TE)[4-(环丙基-α-羟基亚甲基)-3,5-二氧环己烷羧酸乙酯]的应用可以增强草坪草的颜色,质量并延迟冬季暖季草坪草的休眠。这项研究的目的是:研究季节性TE施用对暖季型草坪草种类的草坪草质量,颜色,秋季保色性和春季绿化的影响:Cynodon dactylon(L.)Pers。,Buchloe dactyloides Engelm。地中海地区的日本结缕草Steudel,Notspatum notatum(绒毛),Paspalumputumtum Swartz和Eremochloa ophiurioides(Munro)砍死。在夏季或秋季,以0.38千克有效成分(a.i.)ha -1 的比例将TE应用于19种种子型品种的完全成熟的草坪地块。申请时间表包括一个申请,随后为零或一个连续申请,每4周一次。总体而言,TE在夏季增强了草皮草的颜色和质量。后期应用TE会降低质量,将秋天的绿色保持在3周以内,并将春季的绿色延迟15到30 d。结果支持在夏季顺序施用TE以改善草皮草的颜色和质量。在以后的研究中,应检查减少的早期TE秋季应用,以延长秋季保色性。



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