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Capture-recapture estimates of the local prevalence of problem drug use in six French cities.


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BACKGROUND: General population surveys do not provide reliable estimates of problem drug users, which are essential for drug use prevention and treatment policies. Indirect estimation methods, especially capture-recapture method, are preferred. Problem drug use receives now a growing interest on a European level. Very few studies using this method have been carried out in France especially on a multicentric level. METHOD: Six three-sample capture-recapture analyses were carried out in urban areas of Lille, Lyon, Marseille, Metz, Rennes, Toulouse. Data were collected in 2006 from different sources including treatment data, harm reduction and social data and law enforcement data. Users of opiates, cocaine/crack, stimulants and/or hallucinogens aged 15-64 were identified. Log-linear models were fitted to the data in order to test different interactions between the data sources representing potential dependencies. The simplest model was selected on the basis of its Akaike Information Criterion (AIC) and log-likelihood ratio tests. Confidence intervals were estimated using the likelihood interval method. RESULTS: The total number of problem drug users was estimated to be 7900 (95% CI 6300-10 200) in Lille, 8400 (6300-11 800) in Lyon, 5600 (4200-7700) in Marseille, 2300 (1700-3200) in Metz, 1500 (1100-2300) in Rennes and 5400 (4300-6900) in Toulouse (estimates are rounded to nearest 100). These figures correspond to the following prevalence rates of the population aged 15-64 years: 10.8 per thousand (8.6-14.0) in Lille, 10.6 (8.0-15.0) in Lyon, 10.3 (7.7-14.2) in Marseille, 10.8 (8.0-15.0) in Metz, 7.6 (5.6-11.7) in Rennes, 10.1 (8.0-12.9) in Toulouse. CONCLUSIONS: Although the confidence intervals are wide, the method provides valuable information on the extent of problem drug use.
机译:背景:一般人群调查无法提供对问题吸毒者的可靠估计,这对于预防和治疗吸毒政策至关重要。优选间接估计方法,尤其是捕获-捕获方法。现在,有问题的毒品使用在欧洲引起了越来越多的关注。法国很少使用这种方法进行研究,尤其是在多中心的水平上。方法:在里尔,里昂,马赛,梅斯,雷恩,图卢兹的城市地区进行了六次三样本捕获-捕获分析。 2006年从不同来源收集了数据,包括治疗数据,减少伤害以及社会数据和执法数据。确定了年龄在15-64岁之间的鸦片,可卡因/裂纹,兴奋剂和/或致幻剂的使用者。将对数线性模型拟合到数据,以测试表示潜在依赖性的数据源之间的不同交互。根据其Akaike信息准则(AIC)和对数似然比测试选择了最简单的模型。使用似然区间法估计置信区间。结果:里尔的问题吸毒者总数估计为7900(95%CI 6300-10 200),里昂为8400(6300-11 800),马赛为5600(4200-7700),2300(1700-3200) )在梅斯(Metz),雷恩(Rennes)1500(1100-2300)和图卢兹(Toulouse)5400(4300-6900)(估计值四舍五入到最接近的100)。这些数字与以下15-64岁人口的流行率相对应:里尔的10.8(千分之八(8.6-14.0),里昂的10.6(8.0-15.0),马赛的10.3(7.7-14.2),10.8(8.0-梅斯(15.0),雷恩(Rennes)7.6(5.6-11.7),图卢兹(Toulouse)10.1(8.0-12.9)。结论:尽管置信区间很宽,但该方法提供了有关问题药物使用范围的有价值的信息。



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