首页> 外文期刊>European journal of gastroenterology and hepatology >Comparison of continuous breath test and gastric scintigraphy for the measurement of gastric emptying rate in healthy and dyspeptic individuals

Comparison of continuous breath test and gastric scintigraphy for the measurement of gastric emptying rate in healthy and dyspeptic individuals


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OBJECTIVE: To determine normative gastric emptying rates for the continuous breath test and to compare its findings with gastric scintigraphy in healthy volunteers and dyspeptic patients. METHODS: A standard 250 kcal meal double-labeled with 1 mCi Tc colloid and 100 ??g nonradioactive C-octanoic acid was administered to 20 healthy individuals and 22 dyspeptic patients attending a tertiary medical center in 2009-2010. Gastric emptying rate was measured simultaneously with sequential gastric scintigraphy and the continuous breath test. The results of the healthy controls were used as a normative reference. The findings of the two tests were analyzed by linear regression and ?? statistics. In addition, the gastric half-emptying times (T) were compared by a ?? test for evaluating the agreement of normal/abnormal results in both methods. RESULTS: Background features were as follows: healthy individuals - 15 men/5 women, mean age 44.9??14 years and mean BMI 26.8??3.5; dyspeptic patients - 5 men/17 women, mean age 58.0??13 years and mean BMI 25.3??5.5. The upper limit of normal for gastric half-emptying time (T) was 140 min by the breath test. The linear correlation of T between the methods was 0.64. The agreement of normal/abnormal T between the methods was 0.65. CONCLUSION: The continuous breath test may be a suitable method for the evaluation of gastric emptying. A larger study is required to determine its feasibility as the standard of care in dyspeptic patients. ? 2013 Wolters Kluwer Health Lippincott Williams & Wilkins.
机译:目的:确定连续呼吸试验的正常胃排空率,并将其与健康志愿者和消化不良患者的胃闪烁显像进行比较。方法:在2009-2010年期间,对在三级医疗中心就诊的20例健康个体和22名消化不良患者进行了一次标准的250 kcal膳食粉餐,该餐卡用1 mCi Tc胶体和100μg非放射性C-辛酸双标签。胃排空率与连续胃闪烁显像和连续呼气试验同时进行。健康对照的结果用作标准参考。通过线性回归和Δε分析两个测试的结果。统计。另外,将胃的半空时间(T)与Δε比较。评估两种方法中正常/异常结果一致性的测试。结果:背景特征如下:健康个体-15名男性/ 5名女性,平均年龄44.9±14岁,平均BMI 26.8±3.5。消化不良患者-5名男性/ 17名女性,平均年龄58.0-13岁,平均BMI 25.3-5.5。通过呼气试验,正常的胃半空时间(T)上限为140分钟。方法之间的T线性相关为0.64。两种方法之间正常/异常T的一致性为0.65。结论:连续呼气试验可能是评估胃排空的合适方法。需要进行更大的研究才能确定其作为消化不良患者护理标准的可行性。 ? 2013 Wolters Kluwer Health Lippincott Williams&Wilkins。



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