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Surgery of children with frontal lobe lesional epilepsy: neuropsychological study.


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AIM OF THE STUDY: was to provide new data about the evolution of neuropsychological findings in patients with lesional frontal lobe epilepsy (FLE) operated on with lesion excision. PATIENTS AND METHODS: Twelve patients with lesional FLE underwent full clinical examination including neurological, neuropsychological and developmental assessments, high-resolution magnetic resonance imaging (MRI), ictal and interictal prolonged EEG monitoring and evaluation of seizure semeiology before and after surgery. The mean follow-up duration was 2 years and 10 months (range=14 months-7 years). Another group of lesional temporal lobe epilepsy, matched for the age at surgery and side of surgery, was likewise studied in order to compare neuropsychological patterns and to try to find out specific features in frontal lobe epilepsy evolution. RESULTS: All patients resulted seizure free at outcome except one belonging to Engel's class II. Before surgery general intelligence was similar in FLE as well as in TLE group. Executive functions and motor coordination were frequently affected in FLE whereas patients with TLE often presented with deficits in naming, visual memory and visuo-spatial attention. After surgery there was a frequent decline of IQ in FLE group together with a slight deterioration, especially of executive functions in some patients. An improvement of behaviour was often observed in both groups. CONCLUSIONS: As already reported in literature, neuropsychological pre-surgical data confirms the involvement of attention and executive functions in lesional FLE. No significant neuropsychological improvement was produced by surgery that determined in some cases a slight decline of general intelligence and specific frontal abilities. Yet, generally behaviour improved and seizures were controlled.
机译:该研究的目的是提供有关在切除病灶的额叶额叶癫痫(FLE)患者中神经心理学发现演变的新数据。病人和方法:对12例病灶性FLE患者进行了全面的临床检查,包括神经,神经心理学和发育评估,高分辨率磁共振成像(MRI),小脑和小脑延长的EEG监测以及手术前后癫痫发作的评估。平均随访时间为2年10个月(范围= 14个月至7年)。同样研究了另一组与手术和手术侧年龄相匹配的病变颞叶癫痫,以比较神经心理学模式并试图找出额叶癫痫发展的特定特征。结果:除一名属于恩格尔II类的患者外,所有患者均未发生癫痫发作。术前FLE和TLE组的一般智力相似。 FLE中执行功能和运动协调经常受到影响,而TLE患者经常出现命名,视觉记忆和视觉空间注意方面的缺陷。手术后,FLE组的智商频繁下降,并有轻微恶化,尤其是某些患者的执行功能下降。两组均经常观察到行为改善。结论:正如文献所报道的那样,神经心理学的术前数据证实了病灶性FLE涉及注意力和执行功能。手术并没有产生明显的神经心理学改善,在某些情况下,一般智力和特定额叶能力略有下降。但是,总体上行为改善了,癫痫发作得到了控制。



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