
Survey of behaviour problems in children with neuromuscular diseases.


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Previous research on clinic samples has suggested that children with neuromuscular diseases may be affected by mental health problems. The aim of this study was to establish the carer-reported prevalence of social, communication, and behavioural problems in middle childhood in a total population with neuromuscular diseases. From a target population of 111, 82 carers of children aged 5-13 years with a diagnosed neuromuscular disease living in the Northern Region of UK were interviewed about service utilisation and needs, and 66 completed the Strengths and Difficulties Questionnaire, Social Communication Questionnaire and Children's Communication Checklist. Two-fifths of children scored above the clinical cut-off on at least one questionnaire. These results were significantly higher than are reported for national and normally developing samples. Nine out of 82 had a diagnosis of autism spectrum disorder. Carers of children with problems reported significantly higher levels of unmet need. Behaviour, social and communication problems are common in children with neuromuscular diseases and Regional Neuromuscular Clinics should consider mental health screening and assessment.
机译:先前对临床样本的研究表明,患有神经肌肉疾病的儿童可能会受到心理健康问题的影响。这项研究的目的是建立在神经肌肉疾病总人群中,由护老者报告的社交,沟通和行为问题的患病率。在目标人群111中,对居住在英国北部地区的82名5-13岁被诊断为神经肌肉疾病的儿童的护理人员进行了服务利用和需求方面的采访,其中66名完成了《长处和困难调查表》,《社会沟通调查表》和《儿童保健》。通讯清单。至少有五分之二的儿童在至少一项问卷调查中得分高于临床临界值。这些结果明显高于国家和正常发展的样本的报告。 82名患者中有9名被诊断出患有自闭症谱系障碍。有问题的儿童的照料者报告的未满足需求水平更高。行为,社交和沟通问题在神经肌肉疾病患儿中很常见,区域神经肌肉诊所应考虑进行心理健康筛查和评估。



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