
Comparison of Media for the Selective Culture of Enteroinvasive Escherichia coli.


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MacConkey, eosine-methylene blue, deoxycholate-citrate, salmonella-shigella, and xylose-lysine-deoxycholate agars were compared for their ability to support the growth and to facilitate the recovery of enteroinvasive Escherichia colistrains from artificially contaminated as well as from clinical faecal samples. When grown as pure cultures, the 78 enteroinvasive Escherichia coli strains, as a group, exhibited the same growth characteristics as did Shigella isolates ( n=59), i.e. both organisms grew more weakly than did Salmonella strains ( n=22) on the various selective plates but 4- to 10-fold better than normal Escherichia coliisolates ( n=53). Xylose-lysine-deoxycholate and deoxycholate-citrate plates were more effective in recovering enteroinvasive Escherichia coli from faecal samples than was salmonella-shigella agar. Likewise, xylose-lysine-deoxycholate agar, similar to the differentiating MacConkey and eosine-methylene blue agars, was less inhibitory for defined sensitive clinical faecal samples in selenite F or in gram-negative broth did not influence the recovery of enteroinvasive Escherichia colisignificantly. These data show that the use of xylose-lysine-deoxycholate, in combination with MacConkey or eosine-methylene blue agar, provides the best chance for recovery of enteroinvasive Escherichia coli when randomly selecting colonies from faecal cultures for subsequent molecular or immunological identification assays.
机译:比较了MacConkey,伊红-亚甲基蓝,柠檬酸脱氧胆酸盐,沙门氏菌-志贺氏菌和木糖-赖氨酸-脱氧胆酸琼脂的生长能力,并有助于从人工污染的以及临床粪便样本中恢复肠侵袭性大肠杆菌菌株。 。当以纯培养物的形式生长时,这78种肠入侵性大肠杆菌菌株作为一组表现出与志贺氏菌分离株(n = 59)相同的生长特征,即在两种菌体上,两种微生物的生长都比沙门氏菌菌株弱(n = 22)。选择性板,但比正常大肠杆菌分离物强4至10倍(n = 53)。木糖-赖氨酸-脱氧胆酸盐和柠檬酸脱氧胆酸盐平板比沙门氏菌-志贺氏菌琼脂更能有效地从粪便样品中回收肠侵袭性大肠杆菌。同样,类似于区分MacConkey和曙红-亚甲基蓝琼脂的木糖-赖氨酸-脱氧胆酸琼脂,对亚硒酸盐F或革兰氏阴性肉汤中定义的敏感临床粪便样品的抑制作用较小,对肠道侵袭性大肠杆菌的恢复没有显着影响。这些数据表明,当从粪便培养物中随机选择菌落进行后续的分子或免疫学鉴定测定时,将木糖-赖氨酸-脱氧胆酸盐与MacConkey或曙红-亚甲基蓝琼脂结合使用,可提供恢复肠道侵袭性大肠杆菌的最佳机会。



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