首页> 外文期刊>European journal of clinical microbiology and infectious diseases: Official publication of the European Society of Clinical Microbiology >Safety and tolerability of clarithromycin administered to children at higher-than-recommended doses.

Safety and tolerability of clarithromycin administered to children at higher-than-recommended doses.


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A tendency among pediatricians in Greece to use higher-than-recommended doses of clarithromycin was noted over several years, prompting this study of the safety and tolerability of this macrolide in 343 children over a period of 9 months. The study group comprised nonhospitalized patients of 29 pediatricians practicing in Athens. All were prescribed clarithromycin for upper respiratory (n = 257) or lower respiratory tract infection (n = 78). Overall, 77.8% were treated with doses that exceeded the recommended dose of 15 mg/kg/day, and 26% received doses of > or = 30 mg/kg/day (median dose, 20 mg/kg/day). The tolerability of clarithromycin was judged as "very good" in 75% of the children, as "good" in 16%, and as "moderate" in 5%, whereas intolerability was observed in 4% of the cases. Adverse reactions, mainly gastrointestinal in nature, were reported in 17.5% of the cases. With regard to both tolerability and adverse events recorded, there were no statistically significant differences between the group of patients who received the recommended dose and the group who received higher doses. Clarithromycin continues to present a safe and well-tolerated profile for the treatment of common pediatric infections, even when administered at higher-than-recommended doses. Whether it is more efficacious in this setting is a matter for further study.
机译:几年来,希腊的儿科医生倾向于使用高于推荐剂量的克拉霉素,这促使该研究在9个月的时间内对343名儿童使用这种大环内酯的安全性和耐受性进行了研究。该研究组包括在雅典执业的29名儿科医生的非住院患者。所有患者均处方克拉霉素用于上呼吸道感染(n = 257)或下呼吸道感染(n = 78)。总体而言,有77.8%的患者接受的剂量超过建议剂量15 mg / kg /天,有26%的患者接受的剂量≥30 mg / kg /天(中位剂量为20 mg / kg /天)。克拉霉素的耐受性在75%的儿童中被判断为“非常好”,在16%的儿童中被判断为“良好”,在5%的儿童中被判断为“中度”,而在4%的情况下观察到耐受性。发生不良反应(主要是胃肠道反应)的病例占17.5%。关于所记录的耐受性和不良事件,接受推荐剂量的患者组和接受更高剂量的组之间在统计学上没有显着差异。即使以高于推荐剂量的剂量给药,克拉霉素仍会提供安全且耐受良好的特征来治疗常见的儿科感染。在这种情况下是否更有效还有待进一步研究。



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