首页> 外文期刊>European Journal of Nuclear Medicine and Molecular Imaging >Radioimmunotherapy: is avidin-biotin pretargeting the preferred choice among pretargeting methods?

Radioimmunotherapy: is avidin-biotin pretargeting the preferred choice among pretargeting methods?


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The major objective of cancer radioimmunotherapy (RIT) is to enhance the effectiveness of the drug by concentrating it at the tumour site and simultaneously achieving fewer toxic side-effects to normal organs. Tumour targeting was successful with large long-circulating radiolabelled monoclonal antibodies (MoAbs), but high radiation doses to normal organs, especially liver and bone marrow, soon appeared as a significant problem. Therefore the success of conventional RIT (radioactivity directly attached to MoAbs) has been restricted to leukaemias and lymphomas, in which the tumours are radiosensitive and the tumour cells are relatively accessible. Recent reports of clinical success in the treatment of aggressive non-Hodgkin's lymphoma (NHL) by using commercially available yttrium-90 labelled anti-CD20 MoAb have had a tremendous impact on the credibility of RIT for cancer therapy, almost 30 years after the discovery of the hybridoma technology by Kohler and Milstein in 1975.
机译:癌症放射免疫疗法(RIT)的主要目的是通过将药物集中在肿瘤部位并同时减少对正常器官的毒副作用来增强药物的有效性。大型长循环放射性标记的单克隆抗体(MoAbs)成功靶向肿瘤,但是对正常器官(尤其是肝脏和骨髓)的高辐射剂量很快成为一个重大问题。因此,常规RIT(直接附着于MoAbs的放射性)的成功仅限于白血病和淋巴瘤,其中肿瘤对放射线敏感,并且肿瘤细胞相对易接近。最近发现,通过使用市售的yttrium-90标记的抗CD20 MoAb在治疗侵袭性非霍奇金淋巴瘤(NHL)中取得临床成功的报告,对RIT治疗癌症的可信度产生了巨大的影响,距发现癌症已有30年了。 1975年由Kohler和Milstein提出的杂交瘤技术。



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