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A Pivotal move


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Strong corn prices and a need to revitalize his forage stand led Atkinson, NE, producer Gordon Dvorak to move from irrigated pasture to grain production in 2010-11. But the Atkinson, NE, farmer/ rancher says he's going back to forage in 2012 to allowhis 300-head Red Angus cow-calf pairs to gain weight faster arid keep them closer to home while utilizing fewer acres. Without the center-pivot irrigated pastures, Dvorak typically ran short of grass from mid-July through August, which is usually a dry period in his region. Under the pivot, he used a six-paddock circular design that featured an underground water system with three hydrants. Ramps lifted irrigation tires over his single-wire, high-tensile electric fence.
机译:强劲的玉米价格以及对振兴牧草摊位的需求使得内布拉斯加州阿特金森的生产者戈登·德沃拉克(Gordon Dvorak)在2010-11年从灌溉牧场转向谷物生产。但是,内布拉斯加州阿特金森市的一位农民/牧场主说,他将在2012年重新觅食,让他的300头红安格斯牛犊犊更快地增重,并让他们离家更近,而占用的土地更少。在没有中心枢轴灌溉牧场的情况下,德沃夏克(Dvorak)通常从7月中旬到8月间缺草,这通常是他所在地区的干旱时期。在枢轴下,他采用了六围场圆形设计,其特色是带有三个消防栓的地下水系统。舷梯在他的单线高强度电围栏上抬起灌溉轮胎。



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