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Corn conundrum: Feeders offer their coping strategies in the face of premium-priced grain


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Fedyard managers have been scratching their heads for everal months now, trying to figure out how to deal rith higher corn prices. Trouble is, about the only thing they've accomplished is to increase the circumference of their "worry spot." "It's beenquite a struggle," admits Brian Price, manager at Brookover Feedyard, Garden City, KS. "It's hard to know exactly what to do." Price says he's adjusted by owning more corn out ahead of his needs. "Usually in this area, we've never had to own corn much more than 60 or 90 days ahead. Now, we probably own corn from now to the end of the year, in certain amounts." Price says he's tried to look at what would make a reasonable cost of gain and then own the corn. "But it's changed the way we're looking at owning corn; quite frankly, it's changed it pretty dramatically."
机译:Fedyard的经理们现在每个月都在挠头,试图弄清楚如何应对更高的玉米价格。问题是,他们唯一要做的就是增加他们“烦恼点”的周长。堪萨斯州加登市布鲁克诺夫饲料厂的经理布莱恩·普赖斯(Brian Price)承认:“这很艰难。” “很难确切知道该怎么做。”普莱斯说,他已经根据自己的需要增加了玉米产量,从而做出了调整。 “通常,在这个地区,我们从未拥有超过60天或90天的玉米。现在,从现在到年底,我们可能拥有一定数量的玉米。”普莱斯说,他试图研究什么可以使获得合理的成本,然后拥有玉米。 “但是它改变了我们寻找玉米的方式;坦率地说,它已经大大改变了它。”



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