首页> 外文期刊>Bee Culture >LESSONS GLEANED: Ancient Wisdom Of The Honey Bee Part Two

LESSONS GLEANED: Ancient Wisdom Of The Honey Bee Part Two


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Last month we explored some of the hive's wisdom, starting with what the bees can teach us about ourselves, and then moving to what we can learn from observing the bees. This month I would like to continue to look at the actions of the honey bee and based on my readings of the hive, here are some more of the stories they tell and the lessons I have gleaned from the bees. Of all Earth's creatures, great and small, the honey bee is one of the few, besides humans, that will regularly take more than it needs. As long as there is nectar that can be gathered and room in the hive to convert it into honey, a colony will continue to store honey in the hive even after they have gathered more than they need to get through a Winter dearth. Unfortunately for the bee, this excess honey is prone to being robbed by other critters, bears, or beekeepers. The lesson the bee's teach through their hoarding is to not take more than you really need or else run the risk of having your excess taken by others.



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