首页> 外文期刊>Environmental microbiology >Ocean acidification and host–pathogen interactions: blue mussels, Mytilus edulis, encountering Vibrio tubiashii

Ocean acidification and host–pathogen interactions: blue mussels, Mytilus edulis, encountering Vibrio tubiashii


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Ocean acidification (OA) can shift the ecological balance between interacting organisms. In this study, we have used a model system to illustrate the interaction between a calcifying host organism, the blue mussel Mytilus edulis and a common bivalve bacterial pathogen, Vibrio tubiashii, with organisms being exposed to a level of acidification projected to occur by the end of the 21st century. OA exposures of the mussels were carried out in relative long-term (4 months) and short-term (4 days) experiments. We found no effect of OA on the culturability of V. tubiashii, in broth or in seawater. OA inhibited mussel shell growth and impaired crystalline shell structures but did not appear to affect mussel immune parameters (i.e haemocyte counts and phagocytotic capacity). Despite no evident impact on host immunity or growth and virulence of the pathogen, V. tubiashii was clearly more successful in infecting mussels exposed to long-term OA compared to those maintained under ambient conditions. Moreover, OA exposed V. tubiashii increased their viability when exposed to haemocytes of OA-treated mussel. Our findings suggest that even though host organisms may have the capacity to cope with periods of OA, these conditions may alter the outcome of host–pathogen interactions, favouring the success of the latter.
机译:海洋酸化(OA)可以改变相互作用生物之间的生态平衡。在这项研究中,我们使用了一个模型系统来说明钙化宿主生物,蓝贻贝Mytilus edulis和常见的双壳类细菌病原体微管弧菌之间的相互作用,该生物暴露于预计到年底会发生的酸化水平21世纪。在相对长期(4个月)和短期(4天)实验中进行贻贝的OA暴露。我们发现OA对肉汤或海水中V.tubiashii的可培养性没有影响。 OA抑制贻贝壳的生长并损害壳的晶体结构,但似乎不影响贻贝的免疫参数(即血细胞计数和吞噬能力)。尽管对宿主的免疫力或病原体的生长和毒力没有明显影响,但与在环境条件下维持的贻贝相比,V.tubiashii显然可以更有效地感染暴露于长期OA的贻贝。此外,暴露于OA处理过的贻贝的血细胞中,暴露于OA的V.tubiashii增强了它们的生存能力。我们的发现表明,即使宿主生物体可能具有应对OA时期的能力,但这些条件可能会改变宿主与病原体相互作用的结果,从而有利于后者的成功。



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