首页> 外文会议>ASME international conference on ocean, offshore and arctic engineering >Drag On Nets Fouled with Blue Mussel (Mytilus Edulis) and Sugar Kelp (Saccharina Latissima) and Parameterization of Fouling

Drag On Nets Fouled with Blue Mussel (Mytilus Edulis) and Sugar Kelp (Saccharina Latissima) and Parameterization of Fouling

机译:拖网被蓝贻贝(Mytilus Edulis)和糖海带(Saccharina Latissima)污染的情况和污损的参数化



Biofouling is a serious problem in marine finfish aquaculture with a number of negative impacts. Marine growth obstructs net openings, thereby reducing water exchange through the net and affecting fish welfare and health, as well as the spreading of dissolved nutrients, particles and pathogens. Furthermore, additional water blockage leads to increased hydrodynamic forces on fish cages, which potentially threaten the structural integrity of the fish farm. However, detailed knowledge about the effects of biofouling on the flow past, and the resulting forces on fish cages, is limited and systematic investigations of the effects of different types of fouling have been called for. This study investigates the effects of different amounts and sizes of two important fouling organisms in Norwegian aquaculture, blue mussel {Mytilus edulis) and kelp {Saccharina latissima) on the drag on net panels. Drag forces on a number of clean and fouled nets were measured in a flume tank at a flow speed of 0.1 m/s. Net solidity was calculated from images acquired of all nets in the current. The relationship between net solidity and drag was then found for clean nets and for each type of fouling, and biofouling was parameterized by comparing clean and fouled net results: for a given fouled net, a clean net can be found that experiences the same drag. The latter can then be used in numerical models to estimate the effect of fouling on net drag. That means existing models can be used to model the drag effect of fouling. This study found a solidity increase due to mussel and kelp fouling to affect drag roughly at the same rate as an increase in clean net solidity at a flow speed of 0.1 ms"1 and within the tested fouling size range for two net types. Therefore, existing models, describing the relationship between net solidity and drag, can be used directly or with minor alterations (especially at high solidities) to estimate effects of additional mussel and kelp fouling on drag. In contrast, wet weight seems to be unsuitable as a measure to estimate drag on nets fouled with seaweed or mussels. It should be noted that these findings are only valid under similar conditions, and that other fouling types and sizes, as well as test parameters and tank size can affect the relationship between solidity and drag.
机译:生物污染是海洋有鳍鱼类水产养殖中的一个严重问题,具有许多负面影响。海洋生长阻碍了网的开放,从而减少了通过网的水交换,影响了鱼类的福祉和健康,以及溶解的养分,颗粒和病原体的扩散。此外,额外的水阻塞导致对鱼笼的水动力增加,这有可能威胁到养鱼场的结构完整性。然而,关于生物污染对过去的水流的影响以及对鱼笼的合力的详细知识是有限的,因此需要对不同类型的污染的影响进行系统的研究。这项研究调查了挪威水产养殖中两种重要污垢生物的数量和大小的不同,蓝贻贝(Mytilus edulis)和海带(Saccharina latissima)对网板上阻力的影响。在水槽水箱中以0.1 m / s的流速测量了在许多干净且结垢的网上的拖曳力。净实心度是根据当前所有网的图像计算得出的。然后,对于清洁网和每种结垢类型,发现了网的坚固性与阻力之间的关系,并且通过比较清洁网和结垢网的结果来对生物结垢进行参数化:对于给定的结网,可以发现经历相同阻力的清洁网。然后可以将后者用于数值模型中,以估计结垢对净阻力的影响。这意味着可以使用现有模型来模拟结垢的阻力效果。这项研究发现,贻贝和海带结垢导致的固含量增加对阻力的影响与流速为0.1 ms“ 1且在两种结网类型的试验结垢尺寸范围内的净净密度增加的影响速率大致相同。可以使用现有模型描述净固体度与阻力之间的关系,而直接使用模型或进行较小的更改(尤其是在较高的密度下)来估计贻贝和海带结垢对阻力的影响。应当指出,这些发现仅在相似的条件下才有效,其他结垢类型和尺寸以及测试参数和储罐尺寸会影响坚固性与阻力之间的关系。



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