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The probiotic potential against vibriosis of the indigenous microflora of rainbow trout


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The antibacterial properties of the indigenous microflora of rainbow trout (Oncorhynchus mykiss Walbaum) and the potential use of inhibitory bacteria as fish probiotics were investigated. A total of 1018 bacteria and yeasts were isolated on tryptone soy agar (TSA) from skin, gills and intestine. Forty-five of these inhibited growth of the fish pathogenic bacterium Vibrio anguillarum in a well diffusion assay. The antagonism was most prominent among Pseudomonas spp., as 28 (66%) of the antagonistic bacteria belonged to this genus, despite constituting only 15% of the total tested flora. As pseudomonads are typically siderophore producers, chrome azurol S (CAS) agar was used as a semi-selective medium for isolation of antagonistic bacteria. On this medium, 75% of the iron-chelating strains were inhibitory to V. anguillarum. Eight strains out of a subset of 11 antagonists caused a 3-6 log unit reduction in the density of V. anguillarum [measured by polymerase chain reaction (PCR) detection in a most probable number (MPN) regimen] in a broth co-culture assay. Survival of rainbow trout infected with vibriosis was improved 13-43% by six out of nine antagonistic strains tested in vivo. All disease-protecting strains were pseudomonads, isolated from CAS plates, whereas two Carnobacterium spp. that were antagonistic in in vitro well diffusion assays did not alter the accumulated mortality of rainbow trout. The addition of live bacterial cultures to fish-rearing water may thus improve survival of the fish; however, in vitro antagonism could not completely predict an in vivo effect. Further studies on the underlying mechanism of activity are required to design appropriate selection criteria for fish probiotic bacteria.
机译:研究了虹鳟(Oncorhynchus mykiss Walbaum)本地菌群的抗菌特性以及抑制细菌作为鱼类益生菌的潜在用途。在胰蛋白tone大豆琼脂(TSA)上从皮肤,腮和肠中分离出总共1018种细菌和酵母。在良好的扩散测定中,其中有四十五种抑制了鱼致病性细菌鳗弧菌的生长。拮抗作用在假单胞菌属中最为突出,因为28种(66%)拮抗细菌属于该属,尽管只占总菌群的15%。由于假单胞菌通常是铁载体的生产者,因此将铬天青S(CAS)琼脂用作半选择性培养基来分离拮抗细菌。在这种培养基上,有75%的铁螯合菌株对鳗弧菌具有抑制作用。在共培养液中,从11种拮抗剂的8个菌株中,使鳗弧菌的密度降低了3-6个对数单位(通过聚合酶链反应(PCR)检测,以最可能的数量(MPN)方案测定)分析。在体内测试的九种拮抗菌株中,有六种虹鳟感染了弧菌病,其存活率提高了13-43%。所有保护疾病的菌株均为假单胞菌,从CAS平板中分离出来,而有两个Carnobacterium spp。在体外孔扩散试验中具有拮抗作用的植物不会改变虹鳟鱼的累积死亡率。因此,将活细菌培养物添加到养鱼水中可以改善鱼的生存;然而,体外拮抗作用不能完全预测体内作用。为设计鱼类益生菌的适当选择标准,需要进一步研究其潜在的活动机制。



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