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Disputable issues in interpreting the results of chemical extraction of


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In Russia, iron is chemically fractionated according to a parallel scheme. Pyrophosphate-soluble iron (Fe-pyr) is considered to participate in organomineral complexes, oxalate-soluble iron (Fe-ox) is believed to enter amorphous + poorly crystallized compounds, and dithionite-soluble iron (Fe-dit) is meant to represent the free (nonsilicate) compounds. However, the investigations prove that the commonly used subtraction operations (Fe-ox - Fe-pyr) and (Fe-dit - Fe-ox) are invalid because of the nonadditive action of the reagents in the parallel scheme of extraction. The low selectivity of reagents requires a new interpretation of chemically extracted iron compounds. In automorphic soils, the content of oxalate-soluble iron should be interpreted as the amount of Fe(III) capable of complexing with organic ligands; in hydromorphic soils with a stagnant moisture regime, it should be interpreted as the amount of iron (III) capable of being reduced in a short time. The content of dithionite-soluble compounds should be regarded as the amount of iron (III) within both (hydr)oxides and silicates potentially prone to reduction



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