首页> 外文期刊>African Journal of Marine Science >Monitoring the recovery of a previously exploited surf-zone fish community in the St Lucia Marine Reserve, South Africa, using a no-take sanctuary area as a benchmark

Monitoring the recovery of a previously exploited surf-zone fish community in the St Lucia Marine Reserve, South Africa, using a no-take sanctuary area as a benchmark


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Limiting accessibility to a fishing area can reduce fishing effort effectively and may therefore promote local recovery of depleted stocks. In January 2002, beach driving was banned in South Africa, thereby reducing angler access to large areas of the coastline, particularly in less-developed areas. In November 2001 a project had been established in the St Lucia Marine Reserve, on the east coast of South Africa, to compare surf-zone fish populations inside a no-take sanctuary zone with those in an adjacent exploited area. Subsequent to the ban, the aim of the project was adapted such that surf-zone fish populations were monitored for potential recovery in what had been the exploited area, located to the north of Cape Vidal, which anglers could no longer access easily, because of the prohibition on beach driving. Standardised research fishing was conducted at two sites in the previously exploited area and two sites in the no-take sanctuary. Conventional stock-status indicators showed evidence of recovery in the four most common species caught in the previously exploited area, in terms of both abundance and biomass. Generalised additive mixed models were used to account for the influence of targeting specific species; however, subtle differences in habitat between the sampling sites, improved angling skill over time, variability in recruitment, and differential species-specific responses complicated interpretation of results. The implications of the findings are discussed in terms of the future monitoring and management of marine protected areas both within the St Lucia Marine Reserve and farther afield.
机译:限制进入捕捞区的进出可以有效减少捕捞努力,因此可以促进枯竭种群的当地恢复。 2002年1月,南非禁止在海滩上开车,从而减少了钓鱼者进入海岸线大面积地区的机会,特别是在欠发达地区。 2001年11月,在南非东海岸的圣露西亚海洋保护区建立了一个项目,以比较禁渔区内的冲浪区鱼类种群与相邻开发区的鱼类种群。禁令之后,对该项目的目的进行了调整,以便对位于维达尔角以北的被剥削地区的冲浪区鱼类种群进行潜在恢复的监测,因为禁止在海滩上开车。在先前开发区的两个地点和禁渔区的两个地点进行了标准的研究捕鱼活动。传统的种群状况指标从丰度和生物量两方面都显示了先前开采地区捕获的四个最常见物种的恢复迹象。通用的加性混合模型用于说明针对特定物种的影响。然而,采样点之间栖息地的细微差异,随着时间的推移钓鱼技巧的提高,募集的可变性以及特定物种的不同响应使结果的解释变得复杂。就未来对圣卢西亚海洋保护区及更远地区的海洋保护区的监测和管理,讨论了研究结果的含义。



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