首页> 外文期刊>Epilepsy research >Stereotactic radiofrequency thermocoagulation for hypothalamic hamartoma with intractable gelastic seizures.

Stereotactic radiofrequency thermocoagulation for hypothalamic hamartoma with intractable gelastic seizures.


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Management of hypothalamic hamartoma with intractable gelastic epilepsy remains controversial. We have used stereotactic thermocoagulation for treatment of hypothalamic hamartoma with intractable gelastic epilepsy since 1997. Herein, we review our experience in five cases to clarify the usefulness of this treatment. A total of five patients with hypothalamic hamartoma were treated by stereotactic thermocoagulation at our hospital during the period October 1997 through February 2004. In all patients, the hamartoma was less than 10mm in diameter and was located on the floor of the third ventricle with sessile attachment to the wall. To identify ictal onset, chronic intracranial electroencephalography was performed in three patients with the use of a depth electrode implanted in the hamartoma. Attempts were made to induce gelastic seizure by electrical stimulation of the hamartoma in three patients. After magnetic resonance imaging-guided targeting, radiofrequency thermocoagulation of the boundary betweenthe hamartoma and normal hypothalamus was performed to achieve disconnection effects. Marked reductions in seizure frequency were obtained in all cases, with three patients becoming seizure-free after the procedure. No intraoperative complications occurred except in one patient who experienced acute and transient panidrosis with hot flushes during coagulation. Our results suggest that stereotactic thermocoagulation of hypothalamic hamartoma is an acceptable treatment option for patients with intractable gelastic seizures.
机译:下丘脑错构瘤合并顽固性全弹性癫痫的治疗仍存在争议。自1997年以来,我们一直使用立体定向热凝治疗下丘脑错构瘤合并顽固性弹力性癫痫。在此,我们回顾五例的经验,以阐明这种治疗的有效性。 1997年10月至2004年2月间,我院共接受立体定向热凝术治疗下丘脑错构瘤5例。所有患者的错构瘤直径均小于10mm,位于第三脑室底部,无柄附着到墙上。为了确定发作期,对三名患者进行了慢性颅内脑电图检查,并在错构瘤中植入了深度电极。尝试通过电刺激错构瘤诱导三名患者发生全能性癫痫发作。在磁共振成像引导的靶向之后,对错构瘤与正常下丘脑之间的边界进行射频热凝以达到断路效果。在所有情况下,癫痫发作频率均显着降低,其中三例患者在手术后变为无癫痫发作。除了一名在凝结过程中出现潮热潮红的急性和短暂性全汗病患者,没有发生术中并发症。我们的结果表明,下丘脑错构瘤的立体定向热凝治疗对于顽固性全弹性癫痫发作的患者而言是可接受的治疗选择。



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