首页> 外文期刊>Ethology >Soft Song in Song Sparrows: Acoustic Structure and Implications for Signal Function

Soft Song in Song Sparrows: Acoustic Structure and Implications for Signal Function


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In many species of songbirds, males sometimes produce songs at distinctly lower amplitude than in normal singing. Depending on the species, these 'soft songs' may be sung in the context of female courtship, male-male aggression, or both. In song sparrows, males produce soft songs during aggressive interactions with other males, and the amount of soft song produced is the only singing behavior that can be used to reliably predict a subsequent attack by the singer. Although soft song is clearly an important signal in this species, little is known about the acoustic structure of soft song or about how that structure compares to the structure of normal 'broadcast song'. We recorded a large sample of soft songs and broadcast songs from 10 male song sparrows, and measured song amplitudes in the field while controlling the subject's distance to a calibrated microphone. We show that song sparrow males produce songs over a wide range of amplitudes, with soft songs in the range of 55-77 dB sound pressure level and broadcast songs in the range of 78-85 dB. We present evidence for two types of soft song: 'crystallized' soft songs that are broadcast repertoire song types sung at low amplitude, and 'warbled' soft songs that are not found in the broadcast repertoire. Although highly variable, warbled soft songs produced by individual birds could be grouped into song types based on spectrographic similarity. To our knowledge, a distinct repertoire of soft song types has not been previously reported for any songbird.
机译:在许多种类的鸣禽中,雄性有时产生的声音幅度比正常唱歌时低得多。根据物种的不同,这些“柔和的歌曲”可能是在女性求爱,男性侵略或男性侵略的背景下演唱的。在麻雀中,雄性在与其他雄性进行积极互动时会产生柔和的歌曲,柔和歌曲的产生量是唯一可以用来可靠地预测歌手随后发动攻击的唱歌行为。尽管软歌曲显然是该物种中的重要信号,但对于软歌曲的声音结构或该结构与普通“广播歌曲”的结构相比,人们所知甚少。我们记录了十首雄麻雀中的轻柔歌曲和广播歌曲的大量样本,并在控制对象到校准麦克风的距离的同时测量了现场的歌曲振幅。我们显示,麻雀男产生的歌曲幅度范围很广,柔和的歌曲的声压级为55-77 dB,广播的歌曲的声级为78-85 dB。我们提供两种类型的软歌曲的证据:广播曲目中以低振幅演唱的“结晶的”软歌曲,以及广播曲目中未发现的“杂音”软歌曲。虽然变化很大,但可以根据光谱相似性将个别鸟类发出的声音柔和的歌曲分为不同的歌曲类型。据我们所知,以前没有针对任何鸣禽报告过软歌曲类型的独特曲目。



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