首页> 外文期刊>Epilepsia: Journal of the International League against Epilepsy >Removing Eye-movement Artifacts from the EEG during the Intracarotid Amobarbital Procedure.

Removing Eye-movement Artifacts from the EEG during the Intracarotid Amobarbital Procedure.


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Summary: Purpose: The EEG is often recorded during the intracarotid amobarbital procedure (IAP) to help in the assessment of the spatial extent and the duration of the effect of the drug. In scalp recordings, the EEG is always heavily contaminated with eye movement artifacts as the patient actively performs visual tasks. Methods: Independent component analysis (ICA) is a new technique for blind source separation. In this study, we separated the EEG data recorded during the IAP into independent components using ICA. The EEG signal was reconstructed by excluding the components related to eye movement and eye blinks. Results: EEGs from 10 IAP tests were analyzed. The experimental results indicate that ICA is very efficient at subtracting eye-movement artifacts, while retaining the EEG slow waves and making their interpretation easier. Conclusions: ICA appears to be a generally applicable and effective method for removing ocular artifacts from EEG recordings during IAP, although slow waves and ocular artifacts share similar frequency distributions.



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