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Construction scale models have fervent collectors both in and out of construction


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Go into a contractor's office and you're more than likely to see at least one. Sometimes it's tucked into a corner of the bookshelf or a desk. Other times, a collection of them will take up a wall or even an entire office. Yet as much as manufacturers like to give them away and contractors prize them, there are those who claim the world of construction models is an unseen one. "Models are a niche market almost hidden from the main equipment market," says Chuck Sword, with DHS Diecast Collectables, a construction model dealer in Berea, Ohio. Adds Roy Ferguson, a model dealer in Manchester, Iowa: "A lot of people don't know we exist." However unnoticed by some, it's a busy world, populated by avid collectors, OEMs, model makers and model dealers.
机译:进入承包商办公室,您很有可能会看到至少一个。有时,它藏在书架或桌子的角落。有时,它们的集合会占用一堵墙甚至整个办公室。然而,尽管制造商喜欢赠予他们并由承包商奖励他们,但仍有一些人声称建筑模型世界是一个看不见的世界。 “模型是几乎隐藏在主要设备市场之外的利基市场,”位于俄亥俄州Berea的建筑模型经销商DHS Diecast Collectables的Chuck Sword说。爱荷华州曼彻斯特的模特经纪人罗伊·弗格森(Roy Ferguson)补充说:“很多人不知道我们存在。”无论如何,有些人没有注意到,这是一个繁忙的世界,那里有狂热的收藏家,OEM,模型制造商和模型经销商。



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