首页> 外文期刊>Biochimica et biophysica acta. Biomembranes >Strong oligomerization behavior of PDGFbeta receptor transmembrane domain and its regulation by the juxtamembrane regions.

Strong oligomerization behavior of PDGFbeta receptor transmembrane domain and its regulation by the juxtamembrane regions.


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The platelet-derived growth factor beta-receptor (PDGFbetaR) represents an important subclass of receptor tyrosine kinase (RTK) thought to be activated by ligand-induced dimerization. Interestingly, the receptor is also activated by the bovine papillomavirus E5 oncoprotein, an interaction involving the transmembrane domains of both proteins and resulting in constitutive downstream signalling. This unique mode of activation along with emerging data for other RTKs raises important questions about the role of the PDGFbetaR transmembrane domain in signalling. To address this, we have investigated the murine PDGFbetaR transmembrane and juxtamembrane domains. We show for the first time the strong oligomerization behavior of PDGFbetaR transmembrane domain, forming dimers and trimers in natural membranes and detergents; and that these self-interactions are mediated by a leucine-zipper-like motif. The juxtamembrane regions are found to regulate these helix-helix interactions and select specifically for dimer formation. These data provide evidence that PDGFbetaR is able to form ligand-independent dimers, supporting similar observations in a number of other RTK's. A point mutant in the PDGFbetaR juxtamembrane domain previously shown to cause receptor activation was studied and yielded no change in oligomerization or folding, suggesting (in-line with observations of the c-Kit receptor) that it may moderate interactions with other regions of PDGFbetaR.



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