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Topological quantum phase transition in the transverse Wen-plaquette model


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In this paper we study the quantum phase transition between a quantum state with topological order and that without topological order (TQPT) in the transverse Wen-plaquette model. By mapping the transverse Wen-plaquette model onto the d = 1 Ising model in a transverse field, some exact results of the TQPT are obtained. The transverse Wen-plaquette model undergoes a continuous TQPT which is characterized in terms of the expectation values of string operators. In particular, the duality relationship between open-string and closed-string is explored -the expectation value of closed-string operator and that of open-string operator play the role of "order parameter" and "disorder order parameter" of the topological order, respectively. At the critical point the "condensation" of both Z(2) vortex and Z(2) charge indicates that the TQPT is a new type of phase transition beyond the Landau-Ginzburg-Wilson paradigm. Copyright
机译:在本文中,我们研究了横向温-斑块模型中具有拓扑顺序的量子态与没有拓扑顺序的量子态之间的量子相变(TQPT)。通过在横向场中将横向Wen-plaquette模型映射到d = 1 Ising模型,可以获得TQPT的一些精确结果。横向Wen-plaquette模型经历了连续的TQPT,其根据字符串运算符的期望值来表征。特别地,探讨了开放字符串和封闭字符串之间的对偶关系-封闭字符串运算符的期望值和开放字符串运算符的期望值起拓扑顺序的“顺序参数”和“无序顺序参数”的作用, 分别。在临界点,Z(2)涡旋和Z(2)电荷的“凝结”表明TQPT是超越Landau-Ginzburg-Wilson范式的一种新型相变。版权



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