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Giving credit where credit is due: the proper application of deductibles and sirs in multiple consecutively triggered policies


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It is often the case that an environmental exposure or other type of toxic tort or personal injury claim, such as asbestos, chemical or lead paint exposure, plays out over a number of years, resulting in what is commonly known as a "long tail claim". During this extended time frame, there can be initial exposure, continuing exposure, progressive injury and discovery or manifestation. In the insurance context, if multiple policies issued during different policy periods are "triggered", it becomes necessary to allocate to the various triggered policy periods responsibility for payment of the claim. A minority of states have adopted a method of allocation referred to as "joint and several" or "all sums" under which the policyholder chooses a particular triggered policy period and, subject to the policy limits, is fully defended and/or indemnified by the policies in effect during the chosen policy period. The insurer(s) whose policies were "selected" by the policyholder may subsequently attempt to spread the financial burden to other insurers (i.e., those whose "triggered" policies were not selected by the policyholder) through contribution actions.
机译:通常情况下,环境暴露或其他类型的有毒侵权或人身伤害索赔(例如石棉,化学物质或铅漆暴露)会持续多年,因此通常被称为“长尾索赔”。 ”。在此较长的时间范围内,可能会出现初始暴露,持续暴露,进行性损伤以及发现或表现。在保险范围内,如果“触发”了在不同保单期内签发的多个保单,则有必要将支付赔款的责任分配给各个触发的保单期。少数州采用了一种称为“合计”或“全额”的分配方法,在这种分配方法中,保单持有人选择特定的触发保单期,并在保单限额的前提下受到保单持有人的充分辩护和/或赔偿。在所选保单期内有效的保单。其保险单被保单持有人“选择”的保险人随后可以尝试通过缴费行动将财务负担分摊给其他保险人(即那些“触发”保单没有被保险人选择的保险人)。



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