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Transfer of the AQP1 cDNA for the correction of radiation-induced salivary hypofunction

机译:AQP1 cDNA的转移,以纠正辐射引起的唾液功能减退

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The treatment of most patients with head and neck cancer includes ionizing radiation (IR). Salivary glands in the IR field suffer significant and irreversible damage, leading to considerable morbidity. Previously, we reported that adenoviral (Ad)-mediated transfer of the human aquaporin-1 (hAQP1) cDNA to rat [C. Delporte, B.C. O'Connell, X. He, H.E. Lancaster, A.C. O'Connell, P. Agre, B.J. Baum, Increased fluid secretion after adenoviral -mediated transfer of the aquaporin-1 cDNA to irradiated rat salivary glands. Proc. Nail. Acad. Sci. U S A. 94 (1997) 3268-3273] and miniature pig [Z. Shan, J. Li, C. Zheng, X. Liu, Z. Fan, C. Zhang, C.M. Goldsmith, R.B. Wellner, B.J Baum, S. Wang. Increased fluid secretion after adenoviral-mediated transfer of the human aquaporin-1 cDNA to irradiated miniature pig parotid glands. Mol. Ther. 11 (2005) 444-451] salivary glands 16 weeks following IR resulted in a dose-dependent increase in salivary flow to >= 80% control levels on day 3. A control Ad vector was without any significant effect on salivary flow. Additionally, after administration of Ad vectors to salivary glands, no significant lasting effects were observed in multiple measured clinical chemistry and hematology values. Taken together, the findings show that localized delivery of AdhAQP1 to IR-damaged salivary glands is useful in transiently increasing salivary secretion in both small and large animal models, without significant general adverse events. Based on these results, we are developing a clinical trial to test if the hAQP1 cDNA transfer strategy will be clinically effective in restoring salivary flow in patients with IR-induced parotid hypofunction. Published by Elsevier B.V.
机译:大多数头颈癌患者的治疗包括电离辐射(IR)。 IR领域的唾液腺遭受严重且不可逆的损害,从而导致相当大的发病率。以前,我们报道了腺病毒(Ad)介导的人类水通道蛋白1(hAQP1)cDNA向大鼠的转移[C.卑诗省德尔波特O'Connell,X.He,H.E. Lancaster,A.C. O'Connell,P. Agre,B.J. Baum,腺病毒介导的Aquaporin-1 cDNA转移至受辐照的大鼠唾液腺后,液体分泌增加。进程钉。学院科学美国专利94(1997)3268-3273]和小型猪[Z.单山,李建,郑成,刘新,范振,张成,C.M。 Goldsmith,R.B。Wellner,B.J Baum,S。Wang。腺病毒介导的人类aquaporin-1 cDNA转移至受照小型猪腮腺后,液体分泌增加。大声笑那个11(2005)444-451] IR后16周唾液腺导致唾液流量以剂量依赖性方式增加,在第3天达到> = 80%对照水平。对照Ad载体对唾液流量没有任何显着影响。另外,将Ad载体施用至唾液腺后,在多次测量的临床化学和血液学值中未观察到明显的持久作用。两者合计,研究结果表明,将AdhAQP1局部递送至IR受损的唾液腺可在不增加任何重大不良事件的情况下,在小型和大型动物模型中短暂增加唾液分泌。基于这些结果,我们正在开发一项临床试验,以测试hAQP1 cDNA转移策略在恢复IR引起的腮腺功能低下患者的唾液流量方面是否在临床上有效。由Elsevier B.V.发布



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