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Assessment of future scenarios of climate and land-use changes in the IMPRINTS test-bed areas


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The main objective of this work is to identify and evaluate the potential impacts produced by climate and land-use changes in six European test-bed basins (Llobregat, Guadalhorce, Gardon d'Anduze, Linth, Verzasca and Sambuco). Data to build future scenarios that can modify the different basins' flash flood and debris flow risk level has been analyzed in this paper. High resolution climate scenarios have been obtained from several European projects and/or National initiatives, depending on each case. Climatic variables have been widely analyzed, with a special focus on extreme precipitation. Typical generalized extreme value (GEV) distributions have been fitted to observed and projected rainfall data to assess impacts in the frequency distributions of extreme rainfall up to 2100. Regarding climate, the main conclusion is the importance of using data at the maximum spatial and temporal resolution applying downscaling methodologies adapted to basin scale (test-bed areas ranging from approx 200 to 5000km2) and oriented to obtain extreme rainfall values.In general, high variability has been detected, obtaining very different results for the different models and scenarios. Data corrections may lead to better representations of present situations and, therefore, more reliable future projections, but currently some of them are not suitable for extreme precipitation assessment.Regarding land-use changes, a cellular automata-based model has been used (MOLAND) to simulate the 2000-2040 period taking the CORINE land-use dataset as input data. Llobregat, Guadalhorce and Gardon d'Anduze basins have been identified as potentially interesting for simulating urban land-use dynamics due to the existence of important urban areas within their limits. The assessment of the rural land-use changes has been carried out using the results from the EURURALIS project (2000-2030 period), available for all the basins.The results of this paper are framed in the FP7 project IMPRINTS that has the aim of analyzing impacts of future changes to provide guidelines for mitigation and adaptation measures and, in general, to improve the application of the EC Flood Risk Management Directive.
机译:这项工作的主要目的是确定和评估六个欧洲试验台盆地(Llobregat,Guadalhorce,Gardon d'Anduzuz,Linth,Verzasca和Sambuco)的气候和土地利用变化所产生的潜在影响。本文分析了构建未来情景的数据,这些情景可以修改不同流域的山洪和泥石流风险水平。根据每种情况,已经从多个欧洲项目和/或国家计划中获得了高分辨率的气候情景。气候变量已得到广泛分析,特别关注极端降水。已将典型的广义极值(GEV)分布拟合到观测和预测的降雨数据中,以评估对2100年前的极端降雨的频率分布的影响。关于气候,主要结论是在最大时空分辨率下使用数据的重要性采用适合流域规模的降尺度方法(试验台面积约200至5000km2),并旨在获得极端降雨值。总的来说,已发现高变化性,对于不同的模型和情景,获得的结果截然不同。数据校正可能会更好地表示当前状况,因此可以提供更可靠的未来预测,但目前其中一些不适合极端降水评估。关于土地利用变化,已使用基于自动机的细胞模型(MOLAND)以CORINE土地利用数据集为输入数据来模拟2000-2040年。 Llobregat,Guadalhorce和Gardon d'Anduze流域由于在其范围内存在重要的城市区域,因此被认为对于模拟城市土地利用动态具有潜在的吸引力。对农村土地利用变化的评估是利用EURURALIS项目(2000-2030年期间)的结果进行的,该结果适用于所有流域。本文的结果以FP7项目IMPRINTS为框架,其目的是:分析未来变化的影响,以提供缓解和适应措施的指南,并总体上改善EC洪水风险管理指令的应用。



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