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Ethics for Environmental Professionals


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The following presentation was given by the Rev.Dr.J.Philip Wogaman on June 25,2003,at the National Association of Environmental Professionals' (NAEP) 28th Annual Conference,held in San Antonio,Texas.I am grateful for the opportunity to address this significant gathering of environmental professionals.As an ethicist,I can only applaud your renewed interest in professional ethics.While I am not myself an environmental professional,most of my career has been as a professor of ethics and,more recently,as pastor of a church with many members who are interested in both ethics and the environment.I offer these observations as an "interested outsider." I believe it was the military historian Karl von Clausewitz who observed that war is too important to leave to the generals.Perhaps,in like spirit,we might agree that environmental issues are too important to leave to the professional environmentalists and,I have to add,ethics is too important to leave to those of us who are professional ethicists.We're all in all of this together.So,while I am not a professional environmentalist,I can venture some observations about ethics for your consideration.And,while you are not professional ethicists,you can and must reflect seriously on ethics as it applies to your work as environmentalists.
机译:以下演讲是2003年6月25日,J.Philip Wogaman牧师在美国得克萨斯州圣安东尼奥市举行的美国国家环境专业人士协会(NAEP)第28届年会上所作的演讲。解决这一重要的环境专业人士聚会。作为一名伦理学家,我只能为您对职业道德重新产生的兴趣而鼓掌。虽然我自己不是环境专业人士,但我的大部分职业都是伦理学教授,最近又担任牧师教会中有许多成员对道德和环境都感兴趣。我将这些观察结果作为“感兴趣的局外人”提供。我相信是军事历史学家卡尔·冯·克劳塞维茨(Karl von Clausewitz)观察到,战争对将军们来说太重要了。也许,就像在精神上一样,我们可能同意环境问题对职业环境保护者来说太重要了,我必须补充一下,道德对于我们职业道德主义者来说太重要了。我们全都在一起。因此,虽然我不是专业的环保主义者,但我可以提出一些关于道德的意见供您考虑。您不是职业道德主义者,您可以并且必须认真考虑道德规范,因为它适用于您作为环境保护主义者的工作。



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