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Counterfeit coin of the realm - Review and case study analysis


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During July 2003 a Treasury representative stated in a Parliamentary answer that analysis on a sample of one pound coins collected in late 2002, showed that approximately one percent were counterfeit. With the Royal Mint estimate of some 1410 million pound coins in circulation (2003-2004), it follows that approximately 14 million were counterfeit. There are two main types of one-pound counterfeits in circulation within the UK: the first comprise cast lead or tin based 'coins' coated with brass; the second are struck brass 'coins'. The lead or tin variety can vary in quality but wear rapidly usually look, feel and sound completely wrong and are eventually identified by the banks and Post Office where they are withdrawn from circulation. Therefore the vast majority of counterfeit 1.00 pound coins currently in circulation are of the struck brass (or nickel-brass) form. Of these some will also be easy to detect if made of the wrong metal or details of the design look too crude and coarse. However, there is a particular struck counterfeit in circulation where the quality is such that bank sorting machines and tellers cannot identify these pieces. Both cast and struck counterfeit coinage is reviewed, along with a case study analysis of each method, attention being focused on the high quality struck nickel-brass copy.
机译:在2003年7月,美国财政部的一位代表在一次国会答复中说,对2002年末收集的1磅硬币的样本进行的分析表明,大约1%的硬币是伪造的。据皇家铸币局(Royal Mint)估计,大约有14.1亿英镑的硬币在流通(2003-2004年),因此大约有1400万枚假币。英国境内有两种主要类型的1磅伪造品在流通:第一类包括铸铅或锡制“黄铜”涂层“硬币”。第二个是铜制“硬币”。铅或锡品种的质量可能有所不同,但很快磨损后通常外观,感觉和声音完全不对,最终被银行和邮局识别,并从流通中撤出。因此,目前流通的绝大多数伪造的1.00磅硬币都是被击打的黄铜(或镍黄铜)形式。其中一些如果使用错误的金属制成或设计细节看起来过于粗糙也很容易发现。但是,流通中有一种特殊的伪造品,其质量使得银行分拣机和柜员无法识别这些物品。审查了铸造和伪造的造币,并对每种方法进行了案例研究分析,重点是高质量的伪造镍黄铜复制品。



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