首页> 外文期刊>Endocrine, metabolic & immune disorders drug targets >Effectiveness of gonadotropin administration for spermatogenesis induction in Hypogonadotropic hypogonadism: A possible role of androgen receptor CAG repeat polymorphism and therapeutic measures

Effectiveness of gonadotropin administration for spermatogenesis induction in Hypogonadotropic hypogonadism: A possible role of androgen receptor CAG repeat polymorphism and therapeutic measures


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Prepuberal-onset (PRHH) and postpuberal-onset (PSHH) Hypogonadotropic Hypogondism (HH) refer to a heterogeneous group of patients, showing a broad spectrum of clinical signs and symptoms of androgen deficiency in consideration of the different possible aetiologies and the age at onset. These patients, though, required Gonadotropin treatment (GnTh) by means of administration of both the β Human Chorionic Gonodadotropin (β HCG) and the Follicle Stimulating Hormone (FSH) to obtain mature sperms in the ejaculate aiming to reach fertility levels. However, the response to GnTh is always unpredictable concerning either the effectiveness or the duration of the therapy. Consequently, different studies have been carried out to identify clinical (i.e. cryptorchidism, gynecomastia, testis size, etc) and biochemical markers [serum Testosterone (T) and Inhibin B (IB)] that can be useful to predict the effectiveness of GnTh. Given that the actions of T, even those directed at inducing and maintaining spermatogenesis, are mediated by its interaction with the Androgen Receptor (AR), we measured the AR CAG repeat polymorphism in men with HH, in order to examine whether the CAG polymorphism extensions could co-regulate the GnTh effectiveness. Twenty-three HH subjects were subdivided according to the age at onset (pre- and postpubertal) and treated with the same scheme and doses of GnTh, extending the period of treatment up to 30 months. Thirty-five healthy and fertile men served as a control group (CG). Twelve HH subjects (3 PRHH and 9 PSHH), who reached complete spermatogenesis within 12 months, showed the length of AR CAG repeat number [20 (19-23)= median (interquartile range 25 th - 75 th percentile)] not statistically different from our CG [20 (19-22)], while CAG repeat number [23 (20-25)] of 11 HH patients (9 PRHH and 2 PSHH) who obtained mature sperms in their ejaculate beyond a year to within 30 months, was significantly higher. Our results suggest that the length of AR CAG repeat polymorphism might affect the response to GnTh in men suffering from HH, in particular in those patients with prepubertal-onset hypogonadism.
机译:青春期前(PRHH)和青春期后(PSHH)促性腺激素减退症(HH)是指一组异质性患者,考虑到不同的可能病因和发作年龄,其表现出广泛的雄激素缺乏临床症状和体征。但是,这些患者需要通过同时施用β人绒毛膜促性腺激素(βHCG)和促卵泡激素(FSH)来治疗促性腺激素(GnTh),以获得射精的成熟精子,以达到生育水平。但是,就治疗的有效性或持续时间而言,对GnTh的反应总是不可预测的。因此,已经进行了不同的研究来鉴定可用于预测GnTh有效性的临床(即隐睾症,男性乳房发育,睾丸大小等)和生化标志物[血清睾丸激素(T)和抑制素B(IB)]。鉴于T的作用,甚至是旨在诱导和维持精子发生的作用,都是通过其与雄激素受体(AR)的相互作用介导的,我们测量了HH男性的AR CAG重复多态性,以检查CAG多态性是否能延伸可以共同调节GnTh的有效性。根据发病年龄(青春期前和青春期)对23名HH患者进行细分,并用相同的方案和GnTh剂量对其进行治疗,将治疗期延长至30个月。 35名健康和可育的男性作为对照组(CG)。 12个HH受试者(3个PRHH和9个PSHH)在12个月内达到完全精子形成,显示AR CAG重复数的长度[20(19-23)=中位数(四分位间距25-75个百分位数)]没有统计学差异来自我们的CG [20(19-22)],而11名HH患者(9例PRHH和2例PSHH)的CAG重复次数[23(20-25)]在一年至30个月内射精后获得了成熟的精子,明显更高。我们的研究结果表明,AR CAG重复多态性的长度可能会影响患有HH的男性对GnTh的反应,尤其是那些患有青春期前性腺功能低下的患者。



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