首页> 外文期刊>Endocrinology >Resveratrol Attenuates Intermittent Hypoxia-Induced Macrophage Migration to Visceral White Adipose Tissue and Insulin Resistance in Male Mice

Resveratrol Attenuates Intermittent Hypoxia-Induced Macrophage Migration to Visceral White Adipose Tissue and Insulin Resistance in Male Mice


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Chronic intermittent hypoxia during sleep (IH), as occurs in sleep apnea, promotes systemic insulin resistance. Resveratrol (Resv) has been reported to ameliorate high-fat diet-induced obesity, inflammation, and insulin resistance. To examine the effect of Resv on IH-induced metabolic dysfunction, male mice were subjected to IH or room air conditions for 8 weeks and treated with either Resv or vehicle (Veh). Fasting plasma levels of glucose, insulin, and leptin were obtained, homeostatic model assessment of insulin resistance index levels were calculated, and insulin sensitivity tests (phosphorylated AKT [also known as protein kinase B]/total AKT) were performed in 2 visceral white adipose tissue (VWAT) depots (epididymal [Epi] and mesenteric [Mes]) along with flow cytometry assessments for VWAT macrophages and phenotypes (M1 and M2). IH-Veh and IH-Resv mice showed initial reductions in food intake with later recovery, with resultant lower body weights after 8 weeks but with IH-Resv showing better increases in body weight vs IH-Veh. IH-Veh and IH-Resv mice exhibited lower fasting glucose levels, but only IH-Veh had increased homeostatic model assessment of insulin resistance index vs all 3 other groups. Leptin levels were preserved in IH-Veh but were significantly lower in IH-Resv. Reduced VWAT phosphorylated-AKT/AKT responses to insulin emerged in both Mes and Epi in IH-Veh but normalized in IH-Resv. Increases total macrophage counts and in M1 to M2 ratios occurred in IH-Veh Mes and Epi compared all other 3 groups. Thus, Resv ameliorates food intake and weight gain during IH exposures and markedly attenuates VWAT inflammation and insulin resistance, thereby providing a potentially useful adjunctive therapy for metabolic morbidity in the context of sleep apnea.
机译:睡眠呼吸暂停中发生的慢性间歇性低氧(IH)会促进全身性胰岛素抵抗。据报道,白藜芦醇(Resv)可以改善高脂饮食诱导的肥胖,炎症和胰岛素抵抗。为了检查Resv对IH诱导的代谢功能障碍的影响,将雄性小鼠置于IH或室内空气条件下8周,并用Resv或溶媒(Veh)进行处理。获得空腹血浆葡萄糖,胰岛素和瘦素的水平,计算胰岛素抵抗指数水平的稳态模型评估,并在2种内脏白色脂肪中进行胰岛素敏感性测试(磷酸化AKT [也称为蛋白激酶B] /总AKT)。组织(VWAT)库(附睾[Epi]和肠系膜[Mes])以及针对VWAT巨噬细胞和表型(M1和M2)的流式细胞术评估。 IH-Veh和IH-Resv小鼠的食物摄入量最初有所减少,但随后有所恢复,导致8周后体重降低,但IH-Resv的体重却比IH-Veh更好。 IH-Veh和IH-Resv小鼠的空腹血糖水平较低,但与所有其他3组相比,只有IH-Veh的胰岛素抵抗指数稳态模型评估更高。瘦素水平在IH-Veh中得以保留,但在IH-Resv中则显着降低。在IH-Veh中,Mes和Epi中均出现针对胰岛素的VWAT磷酸化AKT / AKT响应降低,但在IH-Resv中正常化。与所有其他3组相比,IH-Veh Mes和Epi的总巨噬细胞计数增加,M1与M2的比率增加。因此,Resv改善了IH暴露期间的食物摄入和体重增加,并显着减轻了VWAT炎症和胰岛素抵抗,从而为睡眠呼吸暂停背景下的代谢合并症提供了潜在有用的辅助治疗。



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