首页> 外文期刊>Bulletin of experimental biology and medicine >Effects of Electrical Stimulation of the Hunger Center in the Lateral Hypothalamus and Food Reinforcement on Impulse Activity of the Mylohyoid Muscle in Rabbits under Conditions of Hunger and Satiety

Effects of Electrical Stimulation of the Hunger Center in the Lateral Hypothalamus and Food Reinforcement on Impulse Activity of the Mylohyoid Muscle in Rabbits under Conditions of Hunger and Satiety


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Effects of electrical stimulation of the hunger center in the lateral hypothalamus and food reinforcement on impulse activity of mylohyoid muscle were studied in chronic experiments under conditions of hunger and satiety. Threshold stimulation of the lateral hypothalamus in starving and satiated rabbits in the absence of food induced searching behavior associated with burst-like impulse activity with a bimodal distribution of interpulse intervals. Regular spike burst in the mylohyoid muscle during stimulation of the lateral hypothalamus in the absence of food serves as an example of the anticipatory type reaction. Increased food motivation during threshold stimulation of the lateral hypothalamus in starving and satiated rabbits with food offered led to successful food-procuring behavior, during which the frequency of spike bursts in the mylohyoid muscle became comparable with that under conditions of natural foraging behavior stimulated by the need in nutrients. Our results suggest that temporal structure of mylohyoid muscle impulse activity reflects convergent interactions of food-motivation excitation with reinforcement excitation on neurons of the masticatory and deglutitive centers.



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