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Maximizing the Profit of Telecom Telcos by a Novel Traffic Scheduling Policy


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Due to the fast technological advancements, telecom telcos face a number of challenges: The set of services offered to users rapidly becomes out of date and must be innovated continuously and updated frequently (almost on a monthly basis) [1]; Prices of IP equipment and optical connections rapidly decline, while the bandwidth increases; The presence of competition forces telcos to use the "cost-plus" pricing method, limiting the profit to a percentage (margin) of income, that is long term limited by the economy average; Telecom telco (telco) monopoly is not supported by government authorities any more, meaning that temporary monopoly can be based only on their know-how or technology; Traditionally, telecom business was a highly profitable industry, due to the high value of electronic communications for users, but it is expected that it will become an average or even low profit industry, as new and new competitors enter the market; Social and economic benefits from high quality and affordable communication services are proven practice in the societies of today, so that it cannot be expected that governments will allow monopolies in the future.
机译:由于技术的飞速发展,电信运营商面临着许多挑战:向用户提供的服务集已经过时,必须不断创新和频繁更新(几乎每月一次)[1]。 IP设备和光连接的价格迅速下降,而带宽却增加;竞争的存在迫使电信公司使用“成本加成”定价方法,将利润限制为收入的百分比(保证金),这是长期受经济平均水平限制的;电信电信(telco)的垄断不再受到政府当局的支持,这意味着临时垄断只能基于其专有技术或技术;传统上,由于用户的电子通信具有很高的价值,电信业务是一个高利润的行业,但是随着新的和新的竞争对手进入市场,预计它将成为一个中等甚至低利润的行业。高质量和负担得起的通信服务所带来的社会和经济利益在当今社会已得到实践证明,因此不能期望政府将来会允许垄断。



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